Sure. I'll refrain from giving away any information that would spoil any of them.
Let The Right One In is a slow movie but easily the best of these 3, the first thing I liked about it was from the get-go it had a somewhat of a hypnotic eerie feeling and then later lived up to that feeling(I also had no idea what this movie was about so I didn't know what to expect). The slowness is overlooked when you find yourself thinking about the characters, (and you will alot) admiring some of the very good photographic scenes (which IMO are the best of what I've seen this year), and the well spaced order of occurrence in which the more exciting scenes take place(Just enough space in-between these to keep you entertained and there are enough of them even for an action audience for a film this slow).I'll also say these scenes aren't original but they have a feel of something new for this type of movie even though it's nothing new at all. The end might be a little surprising as it happens very fast and is somewhat unexpected. You kinda develop your own sense about the character background and the events that led to this story. I'd like you tell you my outlook on it but I'll try to refrain from ruining it for you. This one truly deserves a watch, even if you hate reading sub-titles you'll still enjoy this one.(There really isn't a whole lot of talking so this works out nice for those people as this one definitely needs to be watched in it's native language). This movie is very well done. With the story it tells I don't think this movie could have been done better.
Frozen River is just a well acted flick. It's nothing ground breaking just a dramatized story of a couple of people in hard times trying to make ends meet. I typically wouldn't like a movie like this but with the lack of good movies this year I figured I throw it out there, that and an event that occurs which sticks out in my mind and is the first I think of when I see this movies title. The movie would probably appeal more to the female crowd. If you were going to pass on one of the movies from my list, this would be it. It would probably wind up at the bottom of the list, the only reason I mention it is because of the no name actors that do a good job of playing their parts and what I mentioned before. I will say it has some heart to it.
The Elite Squad is fast paced non-stop action that doesn't let up anytime during the movie. It has good cops, bad cops, dealers, drugs, guns, more guns, blood, money, life, death, right, wrong, good deals, bad deals, well...this movie has it all and alot of it. I could list a dozen other things in this movie and still wind up with a short list. The story is narrated good and gives you a sense of what's going on very well which is a really good thing as it moves fast. You always have a grasp on whats going on which is somewhat uncommon in movies that move this fast with this much to offer. Watch this one with subtitles as the voice over will take away from the acting involved. The voice over version is just awful but could probably still be enjoyable due to the amount of action. It would be nice if the narrator was voiced over and the charters were subtitled. The reason for that is because (subtitled version) when the narrator speaks it ignores a lot of the things said in the background. If you speak Portuguese, get the original!