Best Oregon message boards/forum?

I'm probably in the minority here but I think it shows a lack of class to go on someone else's board and disrespect them. And sometimes I think we go overboard on this board as well but this is our board and if we are going to be classless, I'd rather we do it there than showing our butt on someone else's board. I admit I am probably old and don't understand the new, lower definition of class that we have in this country. Used to be, there was the "billboard" material and now I guess with youtube, there is videoboard material. We know how many trolls we have on here and they love to pick on us when we are down. And there sure are a bunch of lowlifes among them. As my mother used to say, "consider the source." I'm hoping that when we Rise to the Top that we don't think it is necessary to payback the lack of class that we've witnessed. And every school seems to have its share of losers, like the Vandy youtube video talking trash about Tennessee that I actually sought out to see what the new bottom of the barrel is like. Talking trash is not new and probably is no more intense today than in the past but it is more visible. On the other side of the ledger, we are seeing fans who give their oppositions some videoboard material, too. I looked at the USC fan who put a rant on youtube about his total disgust with the Trojans loss to W State. I was as pleased as any Vol fan to see the coach-who-shall-not-be-named lose a game at home that he was supposed to win. I understand the fan's sentiment because I've felt like that, too, several times in fact in the last couple of years. But no need to make the video public. That is what we do on here. Express our feelings and our opinions, whatever they may be. I know that fan is short for fanatic but we have no grounds for going on the Oregon board and making stupid comments. I remember the most satisfaction I ever got in upsetting the fans of the opposition I did without saying a word. I was living in Kentucky at the time, 1977 I think it was. The Vols with Bernie and Ernie beat UK in Lexington in overtime I think; UK was highly ranked as usual. I wore full "dress orange" to work the next day -- orange pants and blazer (remember, this is 1977 and these were not the pants of the previous coach), white shirt and orange tie. Back then, we even had orange cowboy hats which have since gone by the way because of the marketing and logo deal with the pretender UT the one that probably will lose its coach this year. (I know a lot of 'Horn fans having lived in Texas for 11 years). Anyway, I was sitting at my desk which was in a cube in the corner. I got there really early before anyone else. I sat there quietly working waiting for the most pronounced Wildcat basketball fan I've ever known to walk in the office and that is saying something if you know UK basketball fans. Being he was a loudmouth, I heard him when he walked in the door at the other end of the office -- fuming as I knew he would be. He sought me out and when he walked in the cube and saw what I was wearing (I didn't even look at him), he let loose a string of profanity that I don't think I've ever heard before -- makes the Vandy video seem tame. I have never walked up to the face of a fan of another school and taunted him, although I have had it happen to me many times, particularly at Georgia and at Florida. I do admit enjoying singing "It is GREAT, TO BE, a Tennessee VOL when our team has earned the right for the fans to do so. Silence the Quack Attack! GBO!!

WTD, that is the only one that I have perused; content and quality of discourse is good but traffic isn't nearly as high as Vol Nation. Is that the most heavily used Oregon message board in you opinion?
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I'm probably in the minority here but I think it shows a lack of class to go on someone else's board and disrespect them. And sometimes I think we go overboard on this board as well but this is our board and if we are going to be classless, I'd rather we do it there than showing our butt on someone else's board. I admit I am probably old and don't understand the new, lower definition of class that we have in this country. Used to be, there was the "billboard" material and now I guess with youtube, there is videoboard material. We know how many trolls we have on here and they love to pick on us when we are down. And there sure are a bunch of lowlifes among them. As my mother used to say, "consider the source." I'm hoping that when we Rise to the Top that we don't think it is necessary to payback the lack of class that we've witnessed. And every school seems to have its share of losers, like the Vandy youtube video talking trash about Tennessee that I actually sought out to see what the new bottom of the barrel is like. Talking trash is not new and probably is no more intense today than in the past but it is more visible. On the other side of the ledger, we are seeing fans who give their oppositions some videoboard material, too. I looked at the USC fan who put a rant on youtube about his total disgust with the Trojans loss to W State. I was as pleased as any Vol fan to see the coach-who-shall-not-be-named lose a game at home that he was supposed to win. I understand the fan's sentiment because I've felt like that, too, several times in fact in the last couple of years. But no need to make the video public. That is what we do on here. Express our feelings and our opinions, whatever they may be. I know that fan is short for fanatic but we have no grounds for going on the Oregon board and making stupid comments. I remember the most satisfaction I ever got in upsetting the fans of the opposition I did without saying a word. I was living in Kentucky at the time, 1977 I think it was. The Vols with Bernie and Ernie beat UK in Lexington in overtime I think; UK was highly ranked as usual. I wore full "dress orange" to work the next day -- orange pants and blazer (remember, this is 1977 and these were not the pants of the previous coach), white shirt and orange tie. Back then, we even had orange cowboy hats which have since gone by the way because of the marketing and logo deal with the pretender UT the one that probably will lose its coach this year. (I know a lot of 'Horn fans having lived in Texas for 11 years). Anyway, I was sitting at my desk which was in a cube in the corner. I got there really early before anyone else. I sat there quietly working waiting for the most pronounced Wildcat basketball fan I've ever known to walk in the office and that is saying something if you know UK basketball fans. Being he was a loudmouth, I heard him when he walked in the door at the other end of the office -- fuming as I knew he would be. He sought me out and when he walked in the cube and saw what I was wearing (I didn't even look at him), he let loose a string of profanity that I don't think I've ever heard before -- makes the Vandy video seem tame. I have never walked up to the face of a fan of another school and taunted him, although I have had it happen to me many times, particularly at Georgia and at Florida. I do admit enjoying singing "It is GREAT, TO BE, a Tennessee VOL when our team has earned the right for the fans to do so. Silence the Quack Attack! GBO!!

Whether you meant to or not, I feel disrespected you are insinuating my plan was to go disrespect them lol
It keeps saying I got the question wrong am I that retarded?

I think it's a bug on phpbb forums. I had an old question, and the answer hasn't ever been reset.

Try Eugene, even though Salem is the correct answer.

EDIT: Fixed it. Now Salem and Eugene are correct answers lol, great.
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WTD, that is the only one that I have perused; content and quality of discourse is good but traffic isn't nearly as high as Vol Nation. Is that the most heavily used Oregon message board in you opinion?

Educk, as I already mentioned:

Not letting me link. Google "educk" -- go to the "Open Season" board. It has the highest volume.
Quoted from the Ducks Attack Message Boards
"They're talented for sure. I expect a good fight from them. Still, it's tough to gauge how good they are yet. Austin Peay is horrible and Western Kentucky gave them at least 5 turnovers. I recall you and I both picking Petrino's team to beat UT, and they may have, except for all those turnovers.

We'll learn more about them (and us) on Saturday."
Wanted to visit some other team's boards like our own, and haven't really found anything good (Oregon)... or as good as ours. I know Ducks fans see this as a blowout, and rightfully so, but curious to if they anything positive. Answer no I'm sure.

Am I mistaken, or do Vol fans actually troll other teams sites? I thought every other team trolls here with us :crazy:
I'm probably in the minority here but I think it shows a lack of class to go on someone else's board and disrespect them. And sometimes I think we go overboard on this board as well but this is our board and if we are going to be classless, I'd rather we do it there than showing our butt on someone else's board. I admit I am probably old and don't understand the new, lower definition of class that we have in this country. Used to be, there was the "billboard" material and now I guess with youtube, there is videoboard material. We know how many trolls we have on here and they love to pick on us when we are down. And there sure are a bunch of lowlifes among them. As my mother used to say, "consider the source." I'm hoping that when we Rise to the Top that we don't think it is necessary to payback the lack of class that we've witnessed. And every school seems to have its share of losers, like the Vandy youtube video talking trash about Tennessee that I actually sought out to see what the new bottom of the barrel is like. Talking trash is not new and probably is no more intense today than in the past but it is more visible. On the other side of the ledger, we are seeing fans who give their oppositions some videoboard material, too. I looked at the USC fan who put a rant on youtube about his total disgust with the Trojans loss to W State. I was as pleased as any Vol fan to see the coach-who-shall-not-be-named lose a game at home that he was supposed to win. I understand the fan's sentiment because I've felt like that, too, several times in fact in the last couple of years. But no need to make the video public. That is what we do on here. Express our feelings and our opinions, whatever they may be. I know that fan is short for fanatic but we have no grounds for going on the Oregon board and making stupid comments. I remember the most satisfaction I ever got in upsetting the fans of the opposition I did without saying a word. I was living in Kentucky at the time, 1977 I think it was. The Vols with Bernie and Ernie beat UK in Lexington in overtime I think; UK was highly ranked as usual. I wore full "dress orange" to work the next day -- orange pants and blazer (remember, this is 1977 and these were not the pants of the previous coach), white shirt and orange tie. Back then, we even had orange cowboy hats which have since gone by the way because of the marketing and logo deal with the pretender UT the one that probably will lose its coach this year. (I know a lot of 'Horn fans having lived in Texas for 11 years). Anyway, I was sitting at my desk which was in a cube in the corner. I got there really early before anyone else. I sat there quietly working waiting for the most pronounced Wildcat basketball fan I've ever known to walk in the office and that is saying something if you know UK basketball fans. Being he was a loudmouth, I heard him when he walked in the door at the other end of the office -- fuming as I knew he would be. He sought me out and when he walked in the cube and saw what I was wearing (I didn't even look at him), he let loose a string of profanity that I don't think I've ever heard before -- makes the Vandy video seem tame. I have never walked up to the face of a fan of another school and taunted him, although I have had it happen to me many times, particularly at Georgia and at Florida. I do admit enjoying singing "It is GREAT, TO BE, a Tennessee VOL when our team has earned the right for the fans to do so. Silence the Quack Attack! GBO!!
Stopped reading after the first line. Without being completely disrespectful, I like us having that swagger back. After all the crap I have received from Bammers the past few years, I will relish the moment we knock them off their high horse. It will be okay Judy.

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