Best thing about a legacy class is...

There is a winning mentality with both the present players, the 14 class, and CBJ and staff. This group of commits are exceptional in both talent and character. If we can't get excited and support what is happening now, we are the ones who have lost it, not the team.

I love the way you think. :good!:
ive been following recruiting since 07 on VN and i have never seen a group of commits join together and promote the program the way these kids are. the legacy class being in Jone's first year is the perfect storm.

This class has, indeed, demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, leadership and ownership. That is what happens when you recruit young men who came into this world with orange blood coursing through their veins.
Every game is important and the most important one is the next one. That said this season may well hinge on game at Oregon. Vols don't have to win but they have to have a chance to late in order for fans and players to buy what Butch is selling. As posted by others Oregon will not have superior athletes. UT has had similar recruiting classes over last 4 years. They have had the benefit of better coaching, softer schedule and they will come in more confident. Vols need to leave Eugene with a win or confidence that had a couple of plays gone their way they would have won. Not looking for morale victories but you can't come back home with your tail between your legs and expect to compete in SEC. I have predicted a win on prior post. This is most winnable big road game on the schedule. Go get us one Butch!

You're setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. Getting a win in Autzen against a top 5 team will not be easy. I would say the UF game in the Swamp, as tough as that will be, will be easier than winning the Oregon game, and obviously beating the Gators on the road will not be easy.

Oregon's offense is speed, speed, speed, and while I think our defense will be much improved after getting back to the 4-3 and having real coaching, but I doubt we have gotten noticeable faster on D in the offseason. To beat Oregon we will have to score a lot and with so many unprovens at QB and WR, it is a lot to expect them to be able to score a lot 3 games into the new system. I will be happy if CBJ's first team is competitive for 4 qtrs, meaning they are still playing hard in the 2nd half. But for UT to win that game Oregon will literally have to implode on the field. Obviously I hope you are right and I am wrong, but realistically, that is not a game I would mark as a win on my preseason prediction schedule.
You're setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. Getting a win in Autzen against a top 5 team will not be easy. I would say the UF game in the Swamp, as tough as that will be, will be easier than winning the Oregon game, and obviously beating the Gators on the road will not be easy.

Oregon's offense is speed, speed, speed, and while I think our defense will be much improved after getting back to the 4-3 and having real coaching, but I doubt we have gotten noticeable faster on D in the offseason. To beat Oregon we will have to score a lot and with so many unprovens at QB and WR, it is a lot to expect them to be able to score a lot 3 games into the new system. I will be happy if CBJ's first team is competitive for 4 qtrs, meaning they are still playing hard in the 2nd half. But for UT to win that game Oregon will literally have to implode on the field. Obviously I hope you are right and I am wrong, but realistically, that is not a game I would mark as a win on my preseason prediction schedule.

Oregon's offense is all about assignments and knowing how to scheme against it. They take advantage of defenders getting over-aggressive in areas. They run plays in order to create expectations in the defender, and create tendencies in the defender, and then capitalize on those created tendencies.

I have a sneaky suspicion that our coaching staff knows how to scheme and prepare our team to stop it. I also have a sneaky suspicion that, due to practicing against a VERY similar offense weekly, our defenders will know their assignments and keep them.

I am not saying we will win, but we will have a better shot at a win than some are giving us.
Oregon's offense is all about assignments and knowing how to scheme against it. They take advantage of defenders getting over-aggressive in areas. They run plays in order to create expectations in the defender, and create tendencies in the defender, and then capitalize on those created tendencies.

I have a sneaky suspicion that our coaching staff knows how to scheme and prepare our team to stop it. I also have a sneaky suspicion that, due to practicing against a VERY similar offense weekly, our defenders will know their assignments and keep them.

I am not saying we will win, but we will have a better shot at a win than some are giving us.

I agree with u on the coaching staff having more experience with scheming vs these types of teams. Not so much vs sec teams but these type of teams for sure. Combine it with our teams experience vs some teams they played last year it should be helpful. Betting they will win is unrealistic, possible but unrealistic. Hopefully they will have a solid showing at the least. It will be CBJs first big stage game though and he needs a solid showing that's for sure. He "gets it" so his game-time coaching needs to be on pt. Especially with him going against another new coach not a veteran coach like Kelly.

Just seems to me that it's going to be tough to get a team ready to play a team like Oregon when it is built to deal with the SEC. Then turn around and get them ready for a team like UF the next week. Now getting the team ready totally 100% for UO may hurt the prep for a team like UF. Just a balancing act IMO that is tough.

Another factor that many may not like is playing WKU the week before. They are going to be ready for us. Petrino can out coach CBJ. UT will overpower WKU. Just tough, Imo, to make a call on if its gonna be a win until watching the game, and the way the team is playing.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
This class has, indeed, demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, leadership and ownership. That is what happens when you recruit young men who came into this world with orange blood coursing through their veins.

All of this is true, yet, if Dooley had not been fired, none of them (TKJr, Wharton, Bates, Creamer) would have committed to UT. CBJ is what makes it all possible. (Hurd's not a legacy but he wouldn't be committed either). Once they're in Orange and White their loyalty and love for UT will make them extraordinary Vols.

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