Best Vol victory of 2004

Which victory was the sweetest?

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since i was there and on the 40 yard line behind tennessee bench i have to pick this game
The Georgia win was the sweetest, but the Florida win was the biggest. That win was one of the biggest confidence boosters I've ever seen.
I have to go with UGA after what they have done to us the past 4 years. Not to mention that they were ranked higher than UF.
Georgia. Also because they were the no. 3 team in the country at the time.

Although this Cotto Bowl may turn out to be the biggest win of the year...
defeating the gators was the biggest I the media uses that game to define the season. Beating Georgia was an anticlimax because even after the Vols won the media was in denial that it even happened. The poll voters illustrated that injustice. But its my belief the best game the Vols played all year they Auburn In the championship game...even though they did ultimately lose...they played with heart, executed and played very tough...showed this team had guts and I was proudest of this game.
I voted for Bama (see sig) followed by Georgia then Florida. Cotton Bowl was nice though.
Florida game set the tempo for the rest of the season.

Good point about the media being in total denial after we beat Georgia. They're still in denial, and we'll still be ranked behind them even though we won head to head and both schools only lost to 2 teams all year.
I hate Florida just as much as the next Vol fan but everyone knew that was going to be a close game. But when we went to Athens and beat the bulldogs, wow. What a victory that was. No one gave us a chance and we pretty much ruined their season.

Beating Florida is always makes for a great week, but the arrogance of Georgia was almost to much to take. The Media built them up as we should even bother showing up since we didn't stand a chance. And the Georgia players were already talking about the Auburn game as if they already beat us. I couldn't think of anything more enjoyable than to see Richt and his boys look like lost and confused puppies.
Let it be noted to all in the VN I at donsargegolf think the Vol coaches did a nice job at the Cotton Bowl. Now we must figure out how to do this weekly throughout the season and 13 times in a row. Go Big Orange.
I'm glad you mentioned that .........ade thing, Milo. Why the HECK don't we switch to POWERADE????
Anyone notice they doused RS with hand held bottles? All he deserves for right now even though he did well yesterday
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Jan 2, 2005 10:14 PM
Anyone notice they doused RS with hand held bottles?

I think they had used up all the keg thingies on CPF and CJC.
nah, they just wanted to keep RS past performances in perspective.And the victory over the Pups in Athens was the sweetest for us AND ohh so bitter for them. How was that Citrus Bowl anyway Pup fans?
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Jan 2, 2005 8:23 PM
nah, they just wanted to keep RS past performances in perspective.And the victory over the Pups in Athens was the sweetest for us AND ohh so bitter for them. How was that Citrus Bowl anyway Pup fans?

After they blew away Wisconsin, ESPN started petitioning that Georgia get a share of the national title.
Come on, we all know Pollack is the best defensive player to have graced the field in a decade, and the Heisman committee is a sham for not considering him.


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