Best Vol victory of 2004

Which victory was the sweetest?

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beating georgia was soooooooooo sweet..Living in south Tennessee, close to Georgia..It was nice to shut them up..


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I guess I'm old school, but a win over Bama any year is the best win of the season, however the Forida game was a big confidence booster(but the refs gave us that one remember) and the win over #3 GA was sweet too ( but hey they are still better than us according to both polls) and hey 3pt underdogs blowout Texas A&M (but we will still probably end up out of the top ten) Maybe if we start paying some of the folks at ESPN and ABC we might get a little more respect..( sorryu for ranting, I woke up in a fowl mood this morning!)
Hey LIO, congrats for making a poll that no one has made fun of, yet! I have one request for an additional option: How about. . . . .


:3cheers: :daddy:
What's up doc?


All three cannot be the BEST. That's why I did not include that option. And GAVol is the only one who ever makes fun of my polls. But I just attribute that to his being a wrestling fan and not knowing any better.


Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 3, 2005 11:13 AM
And GAVol is the only one who ever makes fun of my polls. But I just attribute that to his being a wrestling fan and not knowing any better.


Finally, concrete evidence that the Ric avatar is undermining my credibility. :D
I'm officially beginning a new avatar search.

....and, oh yeah . . .

:biteme: :p
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 3, 2005 11:13 AM
All three cannot be the BEST. That's why I did not include that option.


I know it may not be "grammatically correct," but anytime a question includes an answer that reads: "Beating Alabama, Georgia, and Florida," I'm picking that option.

The best win was the win over Florida because I won some bets with people at school that were Florida fans

The sweetest game(s) were definitely the UGA and Bama games.....UGA because I have friends that are huge UGA fans and they thought they were big because they've beaten us the past 4, but have the forgotten that we owned them for 9 years in a row....Bama because I was at that game and my brother-in-law is a HUGE Bama fan.....He had been talking smack all week while he was up here from UGA and he got shut up real quick when Parys Haralson ran the fumble into the end zone HAHAHAHA...and for that I salute these two with this: :finger: :moon2:

Well if you live in bammerland with these whacko's, all it takes is one win a year for me to be happy!! Around the bowl and down the hole, roll tide roll!!!
Beating UF was exciting, beating UGA was great, but beating Bama is always gonna be a top pick for me.
The Georgia win was the best!! Nobody had given us a chance because Auburn had just blasted us and UGA had just blasted LSU so I like the UGA win!!!!

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