Biden admin proposing men shower with women

I thought this was the most poignant part of that article:

Science shows that human DNA and chromosomes determine each person’s sex. These characteristics exist long before birth and in every cell of a person’s body.

Biological sex does not change with alterations in outward appearance, and abundant scientific research proves that men and women are different in strength, endurance, athletic prowess, and other physical attributes. Activists forget science, however, when it doesn’t suit leftist politics.

This is a point that rarely gets mentioned when discussing trans issues yet it's fundamental and cannot be ignored.
I mean, I would have been good with sharing a shower with Denise Richards.

Just sayin...

ETA: In her prime. I just Google pic stalked her and the years haven't been kind...

I was in the navy, I've seen some of those women. Id rather use a water hose
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Well, what about the men that isn’t in the military that is married to the women that are in the military? Do you think that is going to fly over with them??
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Its a mental illness

Is the "illness" organic or inorganic? Many people, including me, would like sexuality to be simple for everybody; male is male, and female is female. The reality is that researchers are only beginning to understand the complex interaction of organelles within the brain which determine and affect sexuality, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that the complex interactions are not all the same. Organic variations exist. There might be "chicken or egg" questions, but those of us who want everything to be simple must realize that real cases are not always that way.
Is the "illness" organic or inorganic? Many people, including me, would like sexuality to be simple for everybody; male is male, and female is female. The reality is that researchers are only beginning to understand the complex interaction of organelles within the brain which determine and affect sexuality, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that the complex interactions are not all the same. Organic variations exist. There might be "chicken or egg" questions, but those of us who want everything to be simple must realize that real cases are not always that way.
How about we just move towards 3 bathrooms. One for sexual females one for sexual males and a third for people that don't know what they are. Everyone is happy.
Is the "illness" organic or inorganic? Many people, including me, would like sexuality to be simple for everybody; male is male, and female is female. The reality is that researchers are only beginning to understand the complex interaction of organelles within the brain which determine and affect sexuality, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that the complex interactions are not all the same. Organic variations exist. There might be "chicken or egg" questions, but those of us who want everything to be simple must realize that real cases are not always that way.

Got a link to back this up?

Of course not....
Is the "illness" organic or inorganic? Many people, including me, would like sexuality to be simple for everybody; male is male, and female is female. The reality is that researchers are only beginning to understand the complex interaction of organelles within the brain which determine and affect sexuality, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that the complex interactions are not all the same. Organic variations exist. There might be "chicken or egg" questions, but those of us who want everything to be simple must realize that real cases are not always that way.

Total Horse Shat
How about we just move towards 3 bathrooms. One for sexual females one for sexual males and a third for people that don't know what they are. Everyone is happy.

I see no reason for objections to that from any party, except maybe taxpayers and consumers who'll pay for the third restroom.
Is the "illness" organic or inorganic? Many people, including me, would like sexuality to be simple for everybody; male is male, and female is female. The reality is that researchers are only beginning to understand the complex interaction of organelles within the brain which determine and affect sexuality, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that the complex interactions are not all the same. Organic variations exist. There might be "chicken or egg" questions, but those of us who want everything to be simple must realize that real cases are not always that way.

It's really a sin issue, spiritual issue. Romans 1
One could apply that pedophilia
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It's really a sin issue, spiritual issue. Romans 1

Do you think God made everybody the same? I don't. We're all a little different, and He made some of us more different than others. If you want to ride the Horse of Sin, check Leviticus.

Mark 12:31 - Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Do you think God made everybody the same? I don't. We're all a llittle different, and He made some of us more different than others. If you want to ride the Horse of Sin, check Leviticus.
But but but... equality. The EO says so.
Now, Dina Meyer? She's foxy for her age. I'd still share the shower with her.
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Do you think God made everybody the same? I don't. We're all a little different, and He made some of us more different than others. If you want to ride the Horse of Sin, check Leviticus.

Mark 12:31 - Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Context would help you in trying to defend sodomy with the Bible.

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