Biden administration will Permanently Boost Food Stamps over 25% from $121 to $157 a Month for 42 Million Americans


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
  • Average monthly benefits were $121 before the pandemic, and will increase $36.24 or $1.19 per day, to $157.24 per month
The Biden administration increased the per-person monthly food stamp allowance by nearly 30% on Monday, an allowance bump which will benefit 42 million Americans and cost billions for the Department of Agriculture.

Food stamps, or the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), are used by around 12% of the US population.

The monthly allowance is determined by updates the Department of Agriculture makes to the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) and Congress does not need to approve changes.

Biden administration will permanently boost food stamps roughly 27% | Daily Mail Online
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Besides more spending and lengthening the welfare chain I have no major qualms with it.
No issue with helping out people who need the help. Only caveat is that the only food they should be able to buy is what is under the WIC program. No more processed food, soft drinks, etc. If you are asking others for help to eat, you get healthy food so we don’t have to pay more in hospitals for your bad eating habits
No issue with helping out people who need the help. Only caveat is that the only food they should be able to buy is what is under the WIC program. No more processed food, soft drinks, etc. If you are asking others for help to eat, you get healthy food so we don’t have to pay more in hospitals for your bad eating habits
Yep...I was shocked at the poor food choices that ppl on food stamps made when I was on high-school working in grocery store...they could have made it go so much further by getting meals to prepare not chips and cola...I heard you can even get Papa Murphys with stamps
No issue with helping out people who need the help. Only caveat is that the only food they should be able to buy is what is under the WIC program. No more processed food, soft drinks, etc. If you are asking others for help to eat, you get healthy food so we don’t have to pay more in hospitals for your bad eating habits
The problem is that that won't stop it.
If you have a job and still qualify for food stamps, the problem is the job; not you.
Nobody is stopping you from giving all your money to feed the freeloaders.

It's part of my Christian duties. If America's churches were doing what they were supposed to do, there wouldn't be any demand for social programs from the government.
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Yeah. My HR director and CNO at my hospital are getting EBT cards because of schools having been shut down, even though they’re kids are back in school. Yep…it’s just for those in need.
It's part of my Christian duties. If America's churches were doing what they were supposed to do, there wouldn't be any demand for social programs from the government.

You pose a fair point here: the churches role is to help those who cannot help themselves including widows etc and the church is funded by the members. But based on this, the Bible clearly presents a flat tax of roughly 12 percent to fund these works.

He then adds sloth as one of the 7 deadly sins.

I wholeheartedly believe we should help the helpless as much as we can (and honestly I fail
In that department myself often) but there is a very valid point on the difference between laziness and helplessness.

A grown man who tops off as a dishwasher may be lazy and need a strong kick in the ass or he may have mental issues that make this his ceiling.

The problem is there are way way too many lazy people taking funds from people who truly need it and therefor those people who truly needed it are screwed.
It's part of my Christian duties. If America's churches were doing what they were supposed to do, there wouldn't be any demand for social programs from the government.

This a powerful and interesting statement you just made right here. I have to sleep on that and see if I can mentally unpack that, because you are correct, the churches should be playing a role in this, but I think that liberals may disagree with some of the ways that churches may decide on how they offer assistance. Or then again, these 501(c)(3) churches may be forced to do it the way that big govt wants them to do it.
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I guess I can expect a 30% increase in my SS any day now.
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It's part of my Christian duties. If America's churches were doing what they were supposed to do, there wouldn't be any demand for social programs from the government.
You should start your own Church! Give some cash out to the poor, buy a few jetskis for yourself. Its win - win.
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