Biden administration will Permanently Boost Food Stamps over 25% from $121 to $157 a Month for 42 Million Americans

Yeah. My HR director and CNO at my hospital are getting EBT cards because of schools having been shut down, even though they’re kids are back in school. Yep…it’s just for those in need.
We got two of them for my kid being at a Title I school and "missing" lunch during spring and summer, even though you could go by the building every week and pick up a big box of gross food for free. Uncrustables are a crime against humanity.
You pose a fair point here: the churches role is to help those who cannot help themselves including widows etc and the church is funded by the members. But based on this, the Bible clearly presents a flat tax of roughly 12 percent to fund these works.

He then adds sloth as one of the 7 deadly sins.

I wholeheartedly believe we should help the helpless as much as we can (and honestly I fail
In that department myself often) but there is a very valid point on the difference between laziness and helplessness.

A grown man who tops off as a dishwasher may be lazy and need a strong kick in the ass or he may have mental issues that make this his ceiling.

The problem is there are way way too many lazy people taking funds from people who truly need it and therefor those people who truly needed it are screwed.
I've always maintained that if the people that were capable were removed from the proverbial tit, we'd have a surplus of money for those truly in need.
I’m sorry, I forgot we live only to work and Arbeit Macht Frei.
Instead the government makes them free? By incentivizing dependency?

If you are at snap levels of income, yes you are living to work. Thats just a basic tenet of life. Food stamps only make you less free. Welfare in general for that matter.

Americans look at the problem backwards. We look at our life style and then assume our jobs, government, should provide that. Instead of looking at our job and figuring out your lifestyle from there. If you want a better life figure out how to make more money.
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