Biden Announces US, UK, Australia Alliance

It's a smart move. And since when was any worried about pissing off the French?
I'm all for anything that protects our interests, no matter who it pisses off. But to answer your question, as I noted in an earlier post, if this had happened under the previous administration, plenty of faux outrage would have been manufactured. Anyone being honest knows this to be true. Trump was an obnoxious ass hat, and I can certainly agree he never should have been POTUS, same goes for Biden, but the amount of outrage produced by the left over Trump was just over the top ridiculous. And it's still going on even now. So yeah, if this had happened under him, I'm certain there would have been plenty of outrage about pissing off the French.

You can dislike someone and still keep your criticism reasonable and based in reality. That went out the window under Trump, completely, and I expect both parties to use the tactic again at some point.
New Zealand?
But the Tasmanian Devil is found in the island Australian state of Tasmania, not in New Zealand.
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