Biden begs OPEC for more oil

Bidens mind is failing, and failing rapidly. He was certainly never the smartest guy anyway. We will see less and less of him in public. There is a reason why his handlers don't wan't him talking to the media. He doesn't really run anything anyways. His cabinet makes the decisions.
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Biden's Abysmal Day Just Got Worse: OPEC+ Snubs Plea For More Oil, Says "No Need" To Pump More | ZeroHedge

A day that was already the worst in Biden long political career, just got worse when moments ago Reuters reported that just days after the US president showed just how dependent on foreign oil the formerly energy independent US has become, when on Aug 11 he begged OPEC+ to pump more in order to lower the price of gas at the pump, OPEC+ responded that it sees no need to release more oil into the market at present, despite US calls. As a reminder, OPEC+ is currently planning to raise output by 400k BPD a month beginning in August until all the current reductions of 5.8mln BPD are removed, and will not accelerate its schedule despite Biden's pleading.
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The only drilling being done now is on native lands within the refuge. You want to tell those Eskimos they can't sell their oil?
If the eskimos are in charge what does the fed have to do with it?
Politicians only undo something when the price is right for them. Like when the investment and banking industry paid them to get rid of policies that kept them from doing stupid stuff ... like investing in fictional assets.
Why "do" in the first place? Same reason, different backers. Get off the high horse, trump never saw a dollar he didnt like. No one is DC has.
Iā€™m saying none of the ANWR has been drilled on yet except land controlled by the Eskimos.
So then not Bidens concern, or Bidens concern? I cant keep up with what you are actually complaining about.
Eskimo land? Did they change their minds? Like I asked who are you upset with?

No. You're confusing different topics.

There has been no exploration of ANWR except for land the Eskimos control within ANWR. Trump opened up land outside of Eskimo control and Biden canceled those leases.
No. You're confusing different topics.

There has been no exploration of ANWR except for land the Eskimos control within ANWR. Trump opened up land outside of Eskimo control and Biden canceled those leases.
I thought the term "Eskimos" was considered racist, you racist. You should be calling the people of ANWR the indigenous population. In fact, I can't even buy an Eskimo ice cream bar anymore it's now called an Edy's pie for us sophisticated people.
No. You're confusing different topics.

There has been no exploration of ANWR except for land the Eskimos control within ANWR. Trump opened up land outside of Eskimo control and Biden canceled those leases.
So if there is none ongoing, what's the problem?

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