Biden cancels 6billion in student debt

A person, even if 18-21, has to be responsible and fulfill their obligations.

With all that being said, it is criminal that colleges still make millions by allowing credit card companies, etc. on college campuses...
Not all college students have the benefits pf parents of schools that teach financial fidelity, frugality, and management. Plus the loan leeches are trained and skilled at selling a bill of rotten goods even to financially secure adults. They're trained for that. You see it often with first time homebuyers, car salespeople, and other parasites. The young adults, minorities, and even the elderly are all considered easy marks. Plus they often work in teams, passing you along Mr./Ms. specialist this and that, squeeze every drop from you with fees, or other jargonized hokum pokum. They even watch to see if the weaker member of a couple, often the female, gives them leverage to unseat the stubborn one. I've seen it all, or nearly all, My suggestion, if was a college advisor for this be to watch for the red flags, the moment you see one, get up, get out, and don't look back.
I still maintain that $1.5T it would cost us to wipe out all the student debt, in exchange for an amendment barring the State from engaging in these activities - would be an absolute bargain.
No. Give them nothing. There is not one instance that I can think of where a deal is struck and both sides hold up their end of the bargain. No deal without a method of enforcement.
I'm a bit ambiguous about the loan forgiveness. I had a full scholarship ride at one point in my college time. And yet, I was approached by financial reps about taking a loan for "unforeseen" expenses and other stuff I no longer remember. I declined, as I did have part-time employment while a student. I also understood seeing others, non-students, and what loans led to later on. But the fact such leeches exploited young people's ignorance and inexperience to trap them in debt, maybe some deserve loan forgiveness. And I wonder why no one talks about this, or it's not investigated.
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