Biden proposing requiring banks report to the IRS all transactions of all accounts worth $600 or more

I am wondering how to bury the government in paperwork. Audit away, but you will do it on my patio, in the sun, and it will be my goal to have thousands of pages on my tax return going forward.
I shared an office with a business owner that got audited every year. He finally wised up and would go into the audit with all his paperwork loose in a box. as the agent would go through the areas of concern, he'd find an area of minor concern then start to argue and dig for paperwork. After a few minutes he'd indicate he couldn't find the proper documentation and ask how much he owed, usually it was only a few dollars so he'd write a check and leave. The agent was only looking for a win, not how much.
Oh, righties in Texas don't count? You just said righties.
Righties care about state rights. If california wants to ban gas cars. No skin off collective righties backs. If texas legalizes some vigilante bs, no skin off collective righties backs. If Georgia does something dumb, then I will care, but the collective righties wont care.

Or at least shouldnt. Karen's know no boundaries.

You are trying to prescribe your values on a different group and are getting upset that this other group with different values than you is acting differently than you would. It makes no sense.
I can't believe any one supports these people. Especially in numbers large enough to ensure any kind of voting power to stay in power.

But I guess people want to live in an authoritarian nanny state. 81 million votes say so... apparently.
Reagan would’ve loved it for his failed war on drugs, but that’s about the only purpose I could rationally see. Its really all about control. Big brother needs to know what you’re buying. Maybe it’ll turn to them determining whether you’re spending frivolously and thus should pay more taxes since you can afford luxuries.
just wait until they push out CBDC's

I can't believe any one supports these people. Especially in numbers large enough to ensure any kind of voting power to stay in power.

But I guess people want to live in an authoritarian nanny state. 81 million votes say so... apparently.
The problem is Democrats don't believe in personal anything. They don't believe in personal property, personal wealth, personal possessions. They believe it is the government's and if they think you have too much they think they have the right to take it and give it to someone else.
1) The proposal is not reporting of every transaction of $600 or more. Rather, it is that if a given account has at least $600 in transactions in a given year, then the bank reports on the inflow and outflow.
WTF difference does that make whether it is a $600 transaction or if it is a $600 account? It makes zero difference.

2) The proposal has been touted by IRS chief Charles Rettig, who came form the Trump administration. The theory is that people are hiding income in accounts so as to avoid tax consequences.
Who gives a damn where he came from? I don't base my decisions about issues on what party they came from or who they are connected to. This is a steaming pile of dog s^^t no matter who is coming up with it.

If you want to avoid this i think you need to come to grips with two things. First, there are a lot of people out there intentionally underreporting income to avoid paying taxes they owe.
So the answer is to crawl up everybody's azz and know every intimate detail of their financial activity? You Democrats love government so much that you would throw away personal financial privacy just so your govt could scrape together a few more pennies? Do you not see how this can be used for evil or do you not care?

Second, the IRS has had its legs taken out from underneath it, I think we all know by whom, and so the alternative is to increase the budget for enforcing, and to then actually do it.
Screw the IRS... why are you here defending and shilling for that tyrannical institution?
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WTF difference does that make whether it is a $600 transaction or if it is a $600 account? It makes zero difference.

Who gives a damn where he came from? I don't base my decisions about issues on what party they came from or who they are connected to. This is a steaming pile of dog s^^t no matter who is coming up with it.

So the answer is to crawl up everybody's azz and know every intimate detail of their financial activity? You Democrats love government so much that you would throw away personal financial privacy just so your govt cold scrape together a few more pennies? Do you not see how this can be used for evil or do you not care?

Screw the IRS... why are you here defending and shilling for that tyrannical institution?



Only the most hardcore Leftist can view this as anything other than an invasion of privacy at the least and just another way to tax the middle class at its worst

It is part of a surveillance state. A few years ago we thought the idea of China doing facial recognition around the country was far fetched. Now the Biden administration is setting up surveillance to decide winners and losers like social media is doing to citizens while the Taliban even has social media access.
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