Big Brother Is Watching

I see both sides, but I disagree the consumer shouldn't be upset if it happens, just like somebody looking through my window.
No, I am just not going to freak out about some "big brother" bull **** when it is coming through some device that do not need and that I knowingly and willingly purchase.

But you're on your private property.....what if you were unaware of this? It's a freaking invasion of privacy no different than some azzhole looking in your window
If this issue goes through the courts, which it probably will, my guess is that judges will differ. Some will agree with Trut. It's a free market; consumers are free to choose; let the buyers beware; users should exercise care to secure their computers and televisions. Others will say that consumers have a reasonable expectation that normal use with normal care must not so egregiously violate their expectations and rights of privacy.

Regardless of which side you incline to favor, I think everyone should be concerned. Individuals, private organizations, corporations, and governments are using new technologies to violate privacy on massive scales which are unprecedented in human history. Shouldn't we...notice? Shouldn't Shouldn't we...say something?
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What about the government? Who GAS about hackers?

I am not sure what the government would find interesting about watching me walk about the house. It's invasive and I don't want anyone watching me in the privacy of my own home, but I am not going to lose sleep over it.
I am not sure what the government would find interesting about watching me walk about the house. It's invasive and I don't want anyone watching me in the privacy of my own home, but I am not going to lose sleep over it.
My home my choice?
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I am not sure what the government would find interesting about watching me walk about the house. It's invasive and I don't want anyone watching me in the privacy of my own home, but I am not going to lose sleep over it.
I guess until they kick in your door because of something they thought they saw... But naw. That'll never happen, amiright?
I am not sure what the government would find interesting about watching me walk about the house. It's invasive and I don't want anyone watching me in the privacy of my own home, but I am not going to lose sleep over it.
They would also be watching who else might visit, what you talk about, etc
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It is actually quite surprising that a lawyer would be so naive about this kind of intrusion on privacy.

My daughter uses the camera and mic for gaming, video calling etc. I put camera covers over the cameras. They cost less than a buck. I do what I can to protect myself, but I am not going to live my life scared of illegal activity occurring within my home.

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