Big shout out to all the Vol fans out there!



“Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!”
Feb 2, 2013
Living here in Kentucky, I'm surrounded by ignorant UK fans. There's not many Tennessee fans where I'm at and it's an honor to be on Volnation where I can talk to Tennessee fans from all over the country. You guys are like family to me and I'm proud to be part of the Vol family. Thanks again everyone. Go Vols!!! :salute:
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Living here in Kentucky, I'm surrounded by ignorant UK fans. There's not many Tennessee fans where I'm at and it's an honor to be on Volnation where I can talk to Tennessee fans from all over the country. You guys are like family to me and I'm proud to be part of the Vol family. Thanks again everyone. Go Vols!!! :salute:

Is Berea a nice place to live?
Why do you live in a ghost town? Are you a ghost hunter or a recluse? :p
Its not so bad in Kentucky. I am in the Army living near Lexington and there's a huge variety of fans in this area. But as a diehard Vols fan, I love getting the awful stares from UK fans when I walk around wearing my power T gear. On another note, there's a lot more UT fans that are coming out of nowhere once we hired CBJ. The madness is spreading.... Go Vols!
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Living here in Kentucky, I'm surrounded by ignorant UK fans. There's not many Tennessee fans where I'm at and it's an honor to be on Volnation where I can talk to Tennessee fans from all over the country. You guys are like family to me and I'm proud to be part of the Vol family. Thanks again everyone. Go Vols!!! :salute:

I've been to Berea a couple times. My father in law is originally from Somerset. We visit that part of KY often. Glad your a Vol fan!!!!!
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I moved to Houston and there aren't many REAL UT fans here but at least I haven't seen a Bammer, Florida, Georgia fan yet. Got real tired of that **** in Knoxville, Nashville, entire Southeast.
Living here in Kentucky, I'm surrounded by ignorant UK fans. There's not many Tennessee fans where I'm at and it's an honor to be on Volnation where I can talk to Tennessee fans from all over the country. You guys are like family to me and I'm proud to be part of the Vol family. Thanks again everyone. Go Vols!!! :salute:

better than being surrounded by idiot buckeye
I'm in.Alabama... So I know how it is to have to hear ignorant fans. Everyday I hear someone rag me/ tennessee. Always saying on our way to 16. RTR. I hate those words more than ever now. It's ok though, because our Time is rolling back around.
Living here in Kentucky, I'm surrounded by ignorant UK fans. There's not many Tennessee fans where I'm at and it's an honor to be on Volnation where I can talk to Tennessee fans from all over the country. You guys are like family to me and I'm proud to be part of the Vol family. Thanks again everyone. Go Vols!!! :salute:

Same here, VolFreak. In rural KY surrounded by some hostile Wildcat fans. One seeing my UT cap went out of his way to force me off a crosswalk with his pickup truck. Most just try to make fun of me. I say try because all i have to do is ask how many times have you beaten the Vols in the past 26 years.

Now saying Stoops is going to to stop it. I just Butch is going to beat him. And a drum makes more noise than a stop sign. Thinking next time this exchange happens I'll add Curly's finger snapping, back skip routine while going hyuk, hyuk. Haven't decided if I will or not yet.
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I live in Chas, SC and I have to listen to all these chickencock fans...I tell them all the same thing, talk to me when y'all win something of importance...
DownField, about your question on Berea, I live not very far from it. Wife shops at some Amish store there from time to time. It's OK, depends on your tastes. The one who called it a ghost town, depends on his tastes too. But where I am living is real ghostly. Hardly any traffic in the town proper but forget that. Here's what I think is nice about Berea and a number of other small KY towns.

1. No constant sound of ambulance or police sirens.
2. No late night gunshots.
3. People actually say howdy back when you do.
4. It's very green.
5. You walk in the grass barefoot without stepping on broken glass.
6. Surrounding towns seems to always have some kind of festival or other good clean fun event happening.
7. There are places you can buy locally grown and grass feed beef, sheep, and grain fed poultry.
8. Driving along country roads and seeing wild turkeys, deer, and other wild life. Unfortunately, a lot of roadkills too.

The bad thing is that any major food chain (Walmart, Kroger....) watch the expiration dates when you buy packaged food no matter what it is. You can see stuff left on shelf months and even a year after the expiration date.

And that's my take in a nutshell.
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It'll be interesting to see who these bandwagon bummer fans flee to, once the red turd falls back to earth.....and they will.
I am a VOL fan now and always. I have a grandson who signed track scholarship paper with UK this year. he's a great young man and I'm very proud of his values. I will pull for him and his sport, but to me, the rest of UK is the enemy.
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I'm out numbered here on the Space Coast with all these Gator fans. There are some Volunteer fans in the area though, one nearby from my home town in East Tennessee-his wife is a Gator fan.There are some Bama fans and Auburn fans in the area and some Seminole fans too.

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