Biggest Screwjobs in CFB

in the 94 game with Auburn and Bama, the fact that the ref picked up the ball and moved it back after the chains had been brought out is complete BS
This one cost Jim Donnan his job at UGA in 1999.

YouTube - Jasper Sanks Not Fumbling

First of all, it wasn't a fumble. Secondly, the Tech defender actually steps backwards into the end zone and is about to get tackled for a Safety. And third, the play is whistled dead without the ball carrier getting tackled because nobody on the field actually thinks it's a fumble except the ref.
Oklahoma at Oregon, no doubt. There was also a bad pass interference call or no call that totally escapes me that was awful.
Just expanding --

The Onside Kick Game, Oklahoma at Oregon 2006 and The Fifth Down Game from 1990 have to be the two biggest screw-jobs in recent history of college football. They have these things in common:

1. Relatively high-profile teams. Colorado was ranked #12 at the time of their game, and Oklahoma and Oregon have both been highly-regarded programs the last few years.

2. It determined the outcome of the game. The mistakes by the referee crews in these games literally, inarguably caused one team to lose the game. It's a somewhat frequent occurrence for bad refereeing to contribute to the outcome of a game, but something else entirely more rare to be the single determining factor of a game's outcome.

3. They were not "close" calls. Nothing like pass interference, or a push-off, or possible possession. They were basic rules of football that were flat-out ignored, single-handedly determining the outcome of a game.
Oklahoma at Oregon, no doubt. There was also a bad pass interference call or no call that totally escapes me that was awful.

I think Oregon had a passed tipped at the line of scrimmage and they called pass interference on Oklahoma.
Yeah, in the OU-UO game, I think there were 3 horrific calls - the onside kick, the PI, and one other that escapes me.
The fumble recovery late in the 4th qtr. against LSU in '06

This gets me thinking.

Along with this call, and the Gaffney play, is there a time that Tennessee has been on the OTHER side of bad calls?

Can anyone remember a call that directly lead to Tennessee WINNING a game?
This gets me thinking.

Along with this call, and the Gaffney play, is there a time that Tennessee has been on the OTHER side of bad calls?

Can anyone remember a call that directly lead to Tennessee WINNING a game?

4th down pass interference at Syracuse kept the game winning drive alive in 98. I'm not saying it was a good or bad call, but it was certainly a critical call.

The personal foul on Florida's Dallas Baker in 2004 was a huge call as well.
Those are close, but I'm talking more of a missed or blown call.

The pass interference was closest I think, but the Personal Foul was Baker's fault, not the ref's. Not to mention Tennessee still made about 4 plays after that to get into position.
Those are close, but I'm talking more of a missed or blown call.

The pass interference was closest I think, but the Personal Foul was Baker's fault, not the ref's. Not to mention Tennessee still made about 4 plays after that to get into position.

No one dispute's that Baker should have been called for a personal foul...the problem is that Wade hit him first, right in front of the referee, and the ref only penalized Baker.

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