Biggest Source of Concern Going into 2013

Biggest Area of Concern for 2013?

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I voted QB, I know the D killed us last year but with a competent coach and moving back to the 4-3 will help them alot. But the QB is still up in the air and if they struggle then the whole O will struggle regardless of how skilled they are or well they know the system.
The spring game is what causes me to be so worried about the QB and O. The D looked very good and both Peterman and Worley looked and played confused.
In '11, UT's D gave up 22.6 ppg. UF's D gave up 20.3 ppg.... and played NO ONE with an O as potent as Arkansas. In fact, when you compare common opponents pts allowed by UF/pts allowed by UT:

UK- 10/10
Bama- 38/37
LSU- 41/38
UGA- 24/20
USC- 17/14
Vandy- 21/21

So against EVERY common opponent in '11, UT's D gave up equal or less points. In total D vs the SEC, UF allowed 338 ppg and UT allowed 356 ppg.

Those two D's were very similar statistically with UT being slightly better vs common opponents. Both brought most of their players back... and they went in two opposite directions. That was NOT a function of players or talent.

You are cherry picking a couple of stats. There are many beyond total yards allowed and points allowed.

Tackles for loss
Yards per play
Yards per rush
Yards per pass attempt
3rd down defense
Turnovers forced
Opponent qb rating

Etc, etc, etc

So, if you look at total yardage pass defense it looks great. If you look at sacks, interceptions, yards per pass attempt and opponent qb rating.....the pass defense doesn't look near as impressive

Ignore all of that if you choose, but it paints a complete picture.
QB - I hope one of the freshman is the real deal, because I'm not confident in Worley and Peterman.
CBs first. QB/WR battery second. I listed them in that order because I think the QB/WR battery is in much better position talent wise to improve signficantly over the '13 season as opposed to the CBs.
My biggest concern is onside kicks. Because a lot of teams are going to be trying them on us when we're kicking their ass. :pepper:
A dominant offensive line will drag a new qb along for the ride. Their dominance this year is the key to our season. I hope they are what we think they are.
Makes little sense to say QB; Worley is more experienced and more highly recruited than half the QBs in SEC, yet he might not win the job, not because he sucks, but because there could be someone more ideal for Butch's system. Not a problem at all.

I think WR will be adequate, even if it is a bit of a drop-off from Hunter, DaRick and Patterson (we have been spoiled).

I am a bit concerned about DB, not so much safety, but CB, as we lost Teague, Lanier, Bonner, (Gray?) (Gordon?) ... Coleman may be coming on, Riyad Jones could be good but we don't know and am not sure about depth. Not greatly worried, but more concerned about that position than anywhere else.
there will be struggles year one...but after butch implements his system and the offense develops and gels we should be pretty good. I worry a little about the defensive side beacause i think we could have got a better defensive coordinater but hope he proves me wrong.
The secondary was not good last year, but the lack of pass rush is really concerning to me. On obvious passing downs we still couldn't get any pressure on the quarterback. i think this really exposed the poor open field tackling of the LBs and DBs.
the 2011 tennessee defense gave up 5.43 yards per play and 4.39 per rushing attempt.

how bad the 2012 defense was has clouded people's memory regarding the 2011 defense.

The biggest problem with the rushing defense in 2011 was UT couldn't stop anyone up the middle. In 2012 UT was much better defending the inside with McCullers and Couch. It is the corners that UT could not contain in 2012n, but should be better at it returning to the 4-3. UT's other weakness with the front 7 in 2011 was lack of a consistent pass rush with the front 7. If that is a problem again in 2013 our corners will get killed.
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I have to go DB because I think we will find a qb behind our good O line by the time we hit the back half of the schedule. The secondary needs to play well for us to win close games.
there will be struggles year one...but after butch implements his system and the offense develops and gels we should be pretty good. I worry a little about the defensive side beacause i think we could have got a better defensive coordinater but hope he proves me wrong.

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