Yet, you want Martin gone despite losing his best player, but we can't make a big deal out of it after UK loses theirs? Screw that. You can't have it both ways. Martin outcoached and the players kicked the Hell out of UK. Get out of here with that garbage.
...fom a point margin stand point.
Also Calipari's worst loss from a point margin stand point since his first year at UMASS.
All that by a coach who many are asking to fired and have declared incompetent...just saying, maybe we should give him a chance?
I wouldnt give Martin credit. UK would have lost to any Div-1 team in the country today.
UK didnt fight, no hustle, they acted like the season was over right at tip-off.
so your saying that it wasn't martin, it wasn't that UT was better, it was just that uk had a bad game. You couldn't come on here and be a good sport, and accept the lose. Instead you had to come on here and make snide remarks and take potshots at UT. spoken like a true dumba$$ ky fan, always trying to look down on everybody else, and making excuses when you lose. Mods, is there anyway to ban this useless and worthless peckerwad?
It was an awesome game. Though the analysts aren't giving us any credit
Noticed the same thing also. I know UK is the former champs and carry a pedigree, but UT played and awesome game and from my view point UT came aggressive at them from start to finish. Of course the analyst kept harping about Nerlins Noel, but never mentioned the loss of Maymon which too me is equally the same for UT.