Biker Rant

I didn't mean to condemn all bikers - these 2 just really pissed me off. It was a dumb move for the guy to come out and ride the center line while speeding up - passing zone was ending and no telling what was coming.
I didn't mean to condemn all bikers - these 2 just really pissed me off. It was a dumb move for the guy to come out and ride the center line while speeding up - passing zone was ending and no telling what was coming.

I know you didn't. You were very clear about that. They piss me off just as much.
I just found this thread. I ride a sport bike and I have to say... I get so pissed at the idiots that give a bad name. We hate them just as much as everyone else. I do the speed limit unless I am just on a road close to home that I know very well and have a little fun (which I still don't go insane). I ride like I'm invisible. Always check mirrors and over shoulder. Look both ways before everything no matter what. If a car comes up behind me I just get as far to the right line as I can and let them pass.

I had a similar situation myself though. I was on a backroad and a car flies up behind me. He was probably a few feet from my rear tire. I get over in the wrong lane when I have a clearing and slow down to like 20 and he just slows down an doesn't pass. I finally got pissed and pulled over in a gravel spot.

It goes both ways. It's jus the plain fact there are idiots out there in both cars and bikes. I try to help bikes reputation in my town.
Been riding Brit bikes for many, many years. I show respect to everyone who respects me. I usually ride alone, works great for me. I don't have to worry what another rider is doing, I know what I'm going to do :)
It's been my observation that 98% of Harley riders are p****s and think they are hard azzes I suppose because they got screwed by HD it makes they hard :)

The Dragon, when I was a youngan it was just crooked ole 129, not the "main attraction" it is today.I ride it maybe once a year. I prefer to steer clear of the squids, RUB's and Paul Walker wanna be's.
Many a better uncongested roads around these parts.
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Used to have a zx-6r. Loved that bike man. Beautiful blue bike with a nice loud Scorpion exhaust. ..shew it was sweet. Had to sell it about 6 years ago because I was going to buy a house. I loved the bike but glad I no longer have it.

When I say I was stupid with it. .. that's an Understatement. 100 mph trig a certain Valley in my area. Dumb. Leaned so far over in the twisties blades of grass hitting your elbows. Dumb. Had that thing pegged at 187 mph heading to Knoxville one time. Dumb. Racing through shady Valley. Dumb. Point is I'm lucky to be alive and a day doesn't go by that I know that.

Still miss that bike though.
There's a big group of bicyclists that have a group ride around here every year. All the roads around here are narrow and passing areas are few and far between. These cyclists will not get out of the way.

At least bikers can run with the speed of traffic. These bicycles do only a few mph. Why they choose this road as part of their route is beyond me. It's curvy and narrow with blind curves and people drive like it is the back stretch at Daytona.

a friend use to tell me that he had the right of way,i told him that you are one a 30lb bicycle and i am in a 3,000lb car,who do you think is going to win ? even if it is my fault
it isn't just some bikers,i get this all the time in my pickup truck,pull in the passing lane to go around them and they speed up,some times it bugs the piss out of me and i accelerate and pass and pull back over,then they go back to there lower speed,beats the hell out of me why
Yeah. That's why I don't bother to go to the dragon except for early morning runs or night runs. People think not letting faster motorists by adds inches to your package. All it really does is make the cars trapped behind contemplate "rattling their cage" like Dale Sr., used to do.

wasn't it the King ? Richard Petty who tapped a car in the bumper on the highway ?

he is the father of Cow Patty too :crazy:
I've honestly only been dumb once. I pegged it out on a long straight away where you could see for miles in the country. Just to see what it would do. After that I've road right ever since.

I hate people that disrespect other drivers. I try to act right in hopes that other people will respect that and appreciate it. In return hopefully everything goes over smoother.

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