Bill Maher: Why are we having the inauguration

I have said it ought to be indoors and just family and colleagues, members of administration. Have to show the Trumpsters that indeed Biden is THEIR president. But doesn't have to be a crowd to do that. Would be safer. Show him in the WH. Show the Trumpsters they LOST !!!
I have said it ought to be indoors and just family and colleagues, members of administration. Have to show the Trumpsters that indeed Biden is THEIR president. But doesn't have to be a crowd to do that. Would be safer. Show him in the WH. Show the Trumpsters they LOST !!!

You scared there will be more protesters outdoors than attendees? Just like his rallies?
I have said it ought to be indoors and just family and colleagues, members of administration. Have to show the Trumpsters that indeed Biden is THEIR president. But doesn't have to be a crowd to do that. Would be safer. Show him in the WH. Show the Trumpsters they LOST !!!
Well, I didn’t think this thread was about Trump or Trumpsters, but ok. Their president? You sound like you’re from a different country.
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I have said it ought to be indoors and just family and colleagues, members of administration. Have to show the Trumpsters that indeed Biden is THEIR president. But doesn't have to be a crowd to do that. Would be safer. Show him in the WH. Show the Trumpsters they LOST !!!

I'm sure you'll be happy as a little twit with Jackass Joe and his Heels Up Ho leading the USA the wrong way.
The Democratic Party burned down cities and looted business to get their pick to sit in Trump's spot.
The Democratic Party had to cheat to win an election bc really nobody would vote them into office bc they suck so bad at their own leadership skills plus Democratic policies never work good but only to enrich themselves.
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I have said it ought to be indoors and just family and colleagues, members of administration. Have to show the Trumpsters that indeed Biden is THEIR president. But doesn't have to be a crowd to do that. Would be safer. Show him in the WH. Show the Trumpsters they LOST !!!
Why is the spectacle really that important? They still wouldn't accept him if you had 100 days of inaugurations.
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I'm sure you'll be happy as a little twit with Jackass Joe and his Heels Up Ho leading the USA the wrong way.
The Democratic Party burned down cities and looted business to get their pick to sit in Trump's spot.
The Democratic Party had to cheat to win an election bc really nobody would vote them into office bc they suck so bad at their own leadership skills plus Democratic policies never work good but only to enrich themselves.

You forgot to add the Democratic party "cheated" in multiple states and bought over a hundred judges. Including 3 supreme court justices just appointed by drumpf.

Or maybe, you get out of your little millenial mind set and realize the people have spoken, and drumpf lost.
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