Bill Maher: Why are we having the inauguration

You forgot to add the Democratic party "cheated" in multiple states and bought over a hundred judges. Including 3 supreme court justices just appointed by drumpf.

Or maybe, you get out of your little millenial mind set and realize the people have spoken, and drumpf lost.
Gonna be drumpf’s fault when we go into a recession?
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You forgot to add the Democratic party "cheated" in multiple states and bought over a hundred judges. Including 3 supreme court justices just appointed by drumpf.

Or maybe, you get out of your little millenial mind set and realize the people have spoken, and drumpf lost.

The Democratic Party cheated to win in 4 key battle ground states. They (Antifa/Dems) said if they didn't get their way this time around that more burning looting & shooting of cops & the hurting of more innocent people would be on their menu. But you go right ahead & keep believing the great big lie (the cover up) that they won all fair & square. What a bunch of idiots you & your ilk are. You voted in higher taxes & more regulations to deter your life. You voted in less freedoms for you & your family. You voted in for more American jobs to be shipped out of America & into other countries so you can starve to death. Bunch of morons like you voted to make your own self suffer with Democratic policies that Joe & his Ho will put in their first 100 days. Be glad & learn to live with sh!tty laws passed by no brain cells Democrats.
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The Democratic Party cheated to win in 4 key battle ground states. They (Antifa/Dems) said if they didn't get their way this time around that more burning looting & shooting of cops & hurting more innocent people would be on the menu. But you go right ahead & keep believing the great big lie (the cover up) that they won all fair & square. What a bunch of idiots you & your ilk are.

Right huge idiots. You are smart enough to figure it all out. All you need is an interwebs connection and a love for Q.

More probable that you follow then mumblings of Q and a crybaby that was making excuses before he officially became a loser.
Right huge idiots. You are smart enough to figure it all out. All you need is an interwebs connection and a love for Q.

More probable that you follow then mumblings of Q and a crybaby that was making excuses before he officially became a loser.

Don't follow any Q & never read up on them ..... but you seem to love'em enough to know who they are.
You aren't changing my mind on where I stand & what I believe ... so buzz off w/your silly postings of stupid.
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Gonna be drumpf’s fault when we go into a recession?

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the recession.

Truth be told, Presidents really don't impact the economy as much as people believe. One of the biggest factors in the economy is people's confidence in the economy.
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You seems to spew their fallacies to have been controlled by them..

Still has zero meaning. I don't read up on them. So, your post is hot garbage & means nothing just like the Democratic Socialist Party. Your political party is the party of lies & made-up lies. Your a fool to believe in that cult.
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Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the recession.

Truth be told, Presidents really don't impact the economy as much as people believe. One of the biggest factors in the economy is people's confidence in the economy.

And they get that confidence or lack thereof by seeing the leadership in place.
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And they get that confidence or lack thereof by seeing the leadership in place.

Sure to some extent. Conservatives and Liberals only like to look at the parts of the economy that plays to their base without the bigger picture.

Conservatives see a big business president then they invest a little more. However, same is true with liberal presidents. It may take a little longer but businesses want to make money. If you don't see enough profit in some sector, someone else will think its worth it.
Sure to some extent. Conservatives and Liberals only like to look at the parts of the economy that plays to their base without the bigger picture.

Conservatives see a big business president then they invest a little more. However, same is true with liberal presidents. It may take a little longer but businesses want to make money. If you don't see enough profit in some sector, someone else will think its worth it.

Presidents and Congress absolutely push policies that are beneficial or harmful to private businesses. Watch this shtt show that is about to take place.
Still has zero meaning. I don't read up on them. So, your post is hot garbage & means nothing just like the Democratic Socialist Party. Your political party is the party of lies & made-up lies. Your a fool to believe in that cult.

Okay. If want to hate America and the will of the people then it's your right.

By the way, the Democratic party is no more socialist than the Republican party. Your gonna have to think outside of the box to understand that.
Presidents and Congress absolutely push policies that are beneficial or harmful to private businesses. Watch this shtt show that is about to take place.

I am referring to the economy as a whole not just private businesses.

Government policy is not more important than confidence in the economy.
Alleged will of the people.

I am sure you guys were those guys that always blamed someone else for their problems.

You lost the race because your shoe was untied, you were not loose yet or you slipped.

You didn't get to play because the coach dosen't like you and played his son.

You lost the game becaus of the ref.

You lost because the other team recruits.
I am sure you guys were those guys that always blamed someone else for their problems.

You lost the race because your shoe was untied, you were not loose yet or you slipped.

You didn't get to play because the coach dosen't like you and played his son.

You lost the game becaus of the ref.

You lost because the other team recruits.

So state Secretary's of State didnt change voting procedures non legislatively?
I have said it ought to be indoors and just family and colleagues, members of administration. Have to show the Trumpsters that indeed Biden is THEIR president. But doesn't have to be a crowd to do that. Would be safer. Show him in the WH. Show the Trumpsters they LOST !!!
I don’t care what they do.... they can do it inside the White House/ outside the White House..... do it on Air Force one..... it won’t matter to me..... the only way I will notice is if they do it on one of my favorite shows or during a sporting event I am watching.... but then I will just turn the channel.

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