The funniest segments are always the ones where he has intelligent people like Laura Ingram, Ben Stein or Newt Gingrich on. You can look at their faces as they are suffering through a bombastic diatribe and tell they are thinking "I really want to tell this guy how dumb he is."Maybe that is why he annoys me so much....all I know is that I can't stand him.
I think soliloquy fits his style better than diatribe.The funniest segments are always the ones where he has intelligent people like Laura Ingram, Ben Stein or Newt Gingrich on. You can look at their faces as they are suffering through a bombastic diatribe and tell they are thinking "I really want to tell this guy how dumb he is."
He's number 1 in the ratings, so he must be doing something right. Some things I can agree with him about, some not so much. He comes off really arrogant, but on the plus side that drives the libs crazy.
I tried to watch him some many years ago....but I couldn't stand him. So, he's not getting his ratings from me...never watch him anymore.
You should like him TT, I think he belives in Global Warming.
I was going to point out what allvol said, but nm. Like I said some things he's ok, others not so much. I will give him credit for caling out the media on a lot of issues.
hold on one second. if fox news is such a right wing new channel. then why are you guys complaining about Bill not being a right wing host. it's amazing that some of you guys have finally figured that Bill isn't a right winger. socially he very left wing, militarily he's on the right. economically he's center, maybe a little left.
some of us have always known Bill isn't a right winger. It's the FNC haters getting all their opinions from Jon Stewart that are having a hard time with reality.