You are insane. Scott Pilgrim is one of the best films of the last 20 years. No joke. In on way shape or form is it junk. Great cast, great visuals, great director. Maybe you should smoke some marjiuanas. Loosen up.
Well, since I didn't watch enough of it to argue with you, I'm fine with this. I don't smoke dope or drink so that's out, I'll just accept I've missed out. Maybe you should watch it sober/straight and see if you still like it.
I would say SP is straight up a good movie, and given the right mood, just about anybody would enjoy it. That being said, if you are part of the target audience (video game/comic nerds that grew up in the 80's/90's) the appeal takes it from a 7 to a 10. If it's not in your wheelhouse and you weren't in the right mood for its silliness, it's not that surprising that you wouldn't enjoy it.
Well, since I didn't watch enough of it to argue with you, I'm fine with this. I don't smoke dope or drink so that's out, I'll just accept I've missed out. Maybe you should watch it sober/straight and see if you still like it.
The Marvel Universe as a whole has much better IP and movie potential, but Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash are just about as cool as any comic characters, IMO. There is no reason they should be messing up these Superman movies so badly. Doomsday should have been a two-part movie and that storyline didn't even get a full movie. Doomsday spoiler:
In the comics when Superman died, he was the most beloved being on the planet and that made the whole story so much more evocative. Contrast that with the movie, he wasn't even trusted by the general public when he sacrificed himself fighting Doomsday. This is similar to the XMen speeding through the Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix stuff in one movie. It's amazing IP, the filmmakers just don't know what to do with it.
I don’t know if it’s so much the filmmakers as the studios.
Death and Return of Superman should have been the 3rd and 4th movies. ‘Death of’could have been incorporated into a JL movie if need be.
Green Lantern suffered from the same thing (rushed CGI aside). They tried to cram in an origin, Hector Hammond, set up Sinestro, and establish Parallax and the rainbow spectrum in 2 hours. Should have just concentrated on Sinestro’s training and split from the Corp. save the rest for sequels. Build to Blackest Night by 4th or even 5th film.
The Flash TV show has the right tone for the character. Just hampered by network TV budget and hokieness.
Watched it last night, fun movie, great action from start to finish. It was better than I expected it to be. Definitely be adding the steel to the collection
Birds of prey was a fun movie. The action was good and it was better than most DC movies. The only DC movies better was the Nolan Batman trilogy, Wonder Woman, Joker and Shazam. Warner Brothers made a mistake making it a R rating. It hurt the box office figures.
Watched it last night, fun movie, great action from start to finish. It was better than I expected it to be. Definitely be adding the steel to the collection
I didn't get all the hype, I thought it was good but not what it was made out to be. It's not even close to BvS and yes I know that will cause a problem for some
I didn't get all the hype, I thought it was good but not what it was made out to be. It's not even close to BvS and yes I know that will cause a problem for some
Haha, no problem here but we disagree. I didn't care for Shazam but it was Shawshank Redemption compared to Batman vs Superman. Pretty sure its the only movie I thought was complete crap that I watched all the way through ....twice, trying to like it. To be fair, I'm not a big Batman or Superman fan anyway.
It started out slow and finally got better towards the end.....the R rating was stupid. There was way too much use of the F bomb that felt forced and just put into the script to get the R rating. They could have cut the cursing out and not changed anything about the movie and got this PG-13 and got more kids into the theater.
It started out slow and finally got better towards the end.....the R rating was stupid. There was way too much use of the F bomb that felt forced and just put into the script to get the R rating. They could have cut the cursing out and not changed anything about the movie and got this PG-13 and got more kids into the theater.