Black Men for Trump

Georgia would like to have a word with you this morning

In 2020, with such close elections, may prove me wrong. The A.A. bump may have put Biden over the edge in GA, just because its such a small margin. However, I stand by my statement for elections prior to 2020. We will see whenever the data is released, sometime in 2022 I assume.
Just because Q and foxnews calls him a commie or a socialist doesn't make him one, no matter how many times it said over and over. Open up a middle school social studies book and apply the definition of socialist or communist, they are different, to bernie.

BTW, drumpf and the so called republicans have forced plenty of "socialistic" ideas down our throats.
I see you haven't actually ever opened a middle school HISTORY book and learned what communism is seeing as you most likely weren't alive when the system that Bernie worships (Soviet Union) was in existence. I'd point you to his whole "bread lines are good because poor people don't starve" as a perfect example but something tells me you won't understand it..
I see you haven't actually ever opened a middle school HISTORY book and learned what communism is seeing as you most likely weren't alive when the system that Bernie worships (Soviet Union) was in existence. I'd point you to his whole "bread lines are good because poor people don't starve" as a perfect example but something tells me you won't understand it..

Ok, Boomer.

I am old enough to use lower case letters to make my point, watch the wall come down, know the way to sweetwater, and remember duck and cover.

Stop justifying stereotypes and educate yourself.
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Ok, Boomer.

I am old enough to use lower case letters to make my point, watch the wall come down, know the way to sweetwater, and remember duck and cover.

Stop justifying stereotypes and educate yourself.
Lol. You're older than me. Nice try at deflection. Stereotypes exist for a reason, and you're one of them.
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You know this is a stolen election when the post election data says 20% of black men and about 40% of Hispanics voted for Trump. There is no way in a legitimate election right now that the Democrats survive any election with those numbers.

I don't think this can be repeated enough. Obama won two terms because he won the white vote. GWB won with the white vote.

This idea that obama won because of just the minority vote is mathematically impossible.
Ok, Boomer.

I am old enough to use lower case letters to make my point, watch the wall come down, know the way to sweetwater, and remember duck and cover.

Stop justifying stereotypes and educate yourself.
You are really for open borders? Just let anyone come on in and receive benefits?
Yikes. Thats your grand rebuttal? I see you were really up the challenge! Lol.

Back to the short bus with you.

Deflection. Make a an argument to support your accusations. Or, are your resigned to being led by the talking heads? If they say it enough FLVOL_79 will believe it.
You are really for open borders? Just let anyone come on in and receive benefits?

Another scare tactic. Democrats and Republicans have put money into the wall and border security. Difference is that they didn't act like an asshat and say Mexico will pay for it. Go back and watch the 1980 Nixon GWBush debates. Responsible Republicans talking about immigration.

More importantly, the wall is not the most important part of boarder security.

Everyone that goes to a hospital with life threatening issues gets treated.

If we are going to ask for payments prior to the visit then that sounds an awful lot like obama care. And the worst kind, with a mandate.
Deflection. Make a an argument to support your accusations. Or, are your resigned to being led by the talking heads? If they say it enough FLVOL_79 will believe it.
Yes, you're doing it well. You couldn't even address a simple Bernie Sanders quote praising the tenants of communism. Typical.
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Yes, you're doing it well. You couldn't even address a simple Bernie Sanders quote praising the tenants of communism. Typical.

“pRaIsInG bReAd LiNeS” by saying they’re better than mass starvation
One aspect, what is going on in Nicaragua and again, what has to be understood is the economic problems of Nicaragua are not unique in Central America or in the Third World, in fact as poor as Nicaragua is, one of the nice things that I saw is that as result of government policy, direct government policy in terms of the distribution of food people are not hungry by in by and large. I think it’s fair to say. You know, it’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death. In Nicaragua people are not starving to death.
Yes, you're doing it well. You couldn't even address a simple Bernie Sanders quote praising the tenants of communism. Typical.

Bread lines in of themselves mean nothing.. no "tenants of communism" in that statement. Please get a library card and start reading actual books. Our country depends on it.
Bread lines in of themselves mean nothing.. no "tenants of communism" in that statement. Please get a library card and start reading actual books. Our country depends on it.
I've seen some ignorant sh!t before but this is almost like you are desperate to achieve first place. Ole Crazy Bern's bread line comment is literally referencing the core philosophy of communism.

You might want to read some books, preferably ones mostly devoid of pictures (no more Nancy Drew for you) because I don't have the time nor the patience to completely educate and school another one of you human schlock's.
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“pRaIsInG bReAd LiNeS” by saying they’re better than mass starvation
Damn look at you all triggered!! Its about the government controlling the food supply you ######.

Good job catching the auto correct above though! Those are the things you have to look out for to try and back up your fake highs school scholastic achievements which, is actually kind of sad.

Also, thanks for quoting the Bernie Sanders statement about Nicaragua in the 1980's when the Sandistas went full blown communism. Did you intentionally mean to own yourself?
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Damn look at you all triggered!! Its about the government controlling the food supply you ######.

Good job catching the auto correct above though! Those are the things you have to look out for to try and back up your fake highs school scholastic achievements which, is actually kind of sad.

Also, thanks for quoting the Bernie Sanders statement about Nicaragua in the 1980's when the Sandistas went full blown communism. Did you intentionally mean to own yourself?

You spent 45 minutes editing this post but I'm triggered, OK. I'm not bothered by someone saying it's good that people in a poor (and communist!!!!!) country aren't starving.

But most of all, LMAO at trying to pass off tenet vs. tenant as "auto correct". I would have just left that one alone, but you do you
You spent 45 minutes editing this post but I'm triggered, OK. I'm not bothered by someone saying it's good that people in a poor (and communist!!!!!) country aren't starving.

But most of all, LMAO at trying to pass off tenet vs. tenant as "auto correct". I would have just left that one alone, but you do you
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Thats all you got? I started editing a post then went outside to drink a margarita? HAHA. Silly ######. Yeah..I should have gone all K-town-WewuzKangs and denied the autocorrect and just said "I left it for you so you could feel some sense of accomplishment in your life".

I bet your parent is disappointed in you. LOL.
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I've seen some ignorant sh!t before but this is almost like you are desperate to achieve first place. Ole Crazy Bern's bread line comment is literally referencing the core philosophy of communism.

You might want to read some books, preferably ones mostly devoid of pictures (no more Nancy Drew for you) because I don't have the time nor the patience to completely educate and school another one of you human schlock's.

The one sentance you shared with me has no context and is not applied to either communism or socialism. It's okay, just admit that you believe stuff after its told to you over and over without any thought of your own.

Now with all your teenage angst out of the way. Here is how you make atleast a half cocked volnation argument. I will educate you.

Trump is a socialist.

Socialism is basically the concept that everyone owns everything and contributes what they can and recieves based off of need.

This is a letter that was in free boxes of food delivered to my town. Trump used our money to pay farmers. Thus, using government to complete the cycle. See its not that hard.20201016_152654.jpg
The one sentance you shared with me has no context and is not applied to either communism or socialism. It's okay, just admit that you believe stuff after its told to you over and over without any thought of your own.

Now with all your teenage angst out of the way. Here is how you make atleast a half cocked volnation argument. I will educate you.

Trump is a socialist.

Socialism is basically the concept that everyone owns everything and contributes what they can and recieves based off of need.

This is a letter that was in free boxes of food delivered to my town. Trump used our money to pay farmers. Thus, using government to complete the cycle. See its not that hard.View attachment 321954
What? I called Bernie a Commie. You said you could refute that. This is it? Jesus.

Also, sorry your poor AF (just kidding I don't care at all).
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Thats all you got? I started editing a post then went outside to drink a margarita? HAHA. Silly ######. Yeah..I should have gone all K-town-WewuzKangs and denied the autocorrect and just said "I left it for you so you could feel some sense of accomplishment in your life".

I bet your parent is disappointed in you. LOL.

You drank about 15 margaritas based on this thread lol. It’s fine, I can see that losing makes you very very emotional. What’s behind those hash tags?

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