Black on black crime - local leaders outraged after murder of a 3 y/o



I see that pretty girl swag.
Dec 2, 2017
“A line was crossed,” said Rev. Ira Acree, Greater St. John Bible Church. “It would be an ultimate contradiction to pastor in this neighborhood and not say a word about a three-year-old who can not defend himself and can not speak for himself.”

The article contains key comments starting at the 8 minute 30 seconds mark from local leaders back to back. It's about 3 minutes total. The 2nd video within the article.

3-year-old boy shot and killed in Austin, reward offered in search for shooter | WGN-TV
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I'd bet double the reward the shooter won't be found

You are probably right. In the video local leaders are beside themselves of the things the criminals are doing on the streets and the attention the media is giving them on behalf of a 46 y/o George Floyd while tearing up their own communities. All the while black on black crime is the biggest threat. That is getting crickets.
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You are probably right. In the video local leaders are beside themselves of the things the criminals are doing on the streets and the attention the media is giving them on behalf of a 46 y/o George Floyd while tearing up theor own communities. All the while black on black crime is the biggest threat. That is getting crickets.
Always has been...
In this thread white people try to make themselves feel better by singling out one anecdotal story of a black person committing a crime. Leave this forum forever, racists.
This is a ridiculously racist Red herring. What does black on black crime have to do with police brutality and systemic racism?

I would say because the the argument for police brutality has been fudged and morphed and splintered into so many other issues that also fit into a Venn diagram of many many circles.

Ultimately, police brutality is it's own issue.

However, racism, systematic racism, overt hypocrisy and no willingness or ability to really deal with the serious issues that can be fixed to change many of these problems are being used as reasons, or excuses, to do anything other than sit down and come up with, applied, to real solutions that work instead of tearing down statues and protesting and all the rest, as, none of that is changing anything or really delving into any type of solution.
In this thread white people try to make themselves feel better by singling out one anecdotal story of a black person committing a crime. Leave this forum forever, racists.

The mainstream narrative isn't about police brutality as a general concept. The narrative is specifically police brutality against blacks. Don't have an intellectually dishonest narrative and it won't be hijacked. Simple as that. And try to keep your emotions in check.
The mainstream narrative isn't about police brutality as a general concept. The narrative is specifically police brutality against blacks. Don't have an intellectually dishonest narrative and it won't be hijacked. Simple as that. And try to keep your emotions in check.

Not only that he assumes I am white? Only a white liberal who loves to sweep the real threat in our communities under the table would blindly assume only a white conservative male could start this thread. See black on black crime, even the loss of children, don't garner the same attention in liberal media, outrage from the Bolsheviks looting and burning in the streets, or score political wins on the campaign trail. Essentially 80/20 rule doesn't apply. They want to grapple with the fringe issues.

The posts were rich and woefully ignorant.
In this thread white people try to make themselves feel better by singling out one anecdotal story of a black person committing a crime. Leave this forum forever, racists.

People trying to make themselves feel better by throwing out the “racist” slur at every single opportunity to avoid responsibility.

There’s a thread for police brutality...this ain’t it.
What do riots, vandalism and looting have to do with police brutality and systematic racism?

White people live there which angers all the non-whites so they have no choice but to riot and vandalize. Our entire government system is racist because there are non-whites in prison who have “committed” crimes
People trying to make themselves feel better by throwing out the “racist” slur at every single opportunity to avoid responsibility.

There’s a thread for police brutality...this ain’t it.

I have a feeling we won't be seeing any more posts from him in this thread.
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White people live there which angers all the non-whites so they have no choice but to riot and vandalize. Our entire government system is racist because there are non-whites in prison who have “committed” crimes
Are you being sincere? Or is this sarcasm?

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