Black on black crime - local leaders outraged after murder of a 3 y/o

This is a ridiculously racist Red herring. What does black on black crime have to do with police brutality and systemic racism?

Well systematic racism is complete bs. Police brutality affects everyone and is a minuscule issue when compared to real atrocities like the example given. Sure some changes in law enforcement could be made but criminals aren’t gonna change with them.
“A line was crossed,” said Rev. Ira Acree, Greater St. John Bible Church. “It would be an ultimate contradiction to pastor in this neighborhood and not say a word about a three-year-old who can not defend himself and can not speak for himself.”

The article contains key comments starting at the 8 minute 30 seconds mark from local leaders back to back. It's about 3 minutes total. The 2nd video within the article.

3-year-old boy shot and killed in Austin, reward offered in search for shooter | WGN-TV

Until i see blm protest in that neighborhood, ill not take their 'outrage' serious.
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Until i see blm protest in that neighborhood, ill not take their 'outrage' serious.

I’m sure there’s good people in that community that protest and want change but BLM is political propaganda and doesn’t want to address real issues.
In this thread white people try to make themselves feel better by singling out one anecdotal story of a black person committing a crime. Leave this forum forever, racists.

Anecdotal? Are you attempting to put words together that look like a sentence by suggesting black people don’t commit crimes against one another 😂
Until i see blm protest in that neighborhood, ill not take their 'outrage' serious.

They are calling out the blm's of the world and pointing to the hypocrisy. I doubt any of these black leaders are associated with blm. These is the silent voices to the many hoodlums causing trouble on the streets.
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They are calling out the blm's of the world and pointing to the hypocrisy. I doubt any of these black leaders are associated with blm. These is the silent voices to the many hoodlums causing trouble on the streets.
I doubt so either but they are quietly rooting for the blm folks.

In the minset of leftists, sometimes 3yr old dying to accomplish a goal is necessary and worth it for the common good.
I doubt so either but they are quietly rooting for the blm folks.

In the minset of leftists, sometimes 3yr old dying to accomplish a goal is necessary and worth it for the common good.

Maybe but they attcked the blm message and pointed to the hypocrisy when they know black on black crime is a major problem. They acknowledged law enforcement in the crowd without demeaning them in this instance. I can't speak to other message because I'm sure there are still several liberals that doesn't mean they all agree with the moronic behavior we've seen for weeks. There are pastors talking as well.
You are probably right. In the video local leaders are beside themselves of the things the criminals are doing on the streets and the attention the media is giving them on behalf of a 46 y/o George Floyd while tearing up their own communities. All the while black on black crime is the biggest threat. That is getting crickets.
It's the topic that is hardest to broach and even harder to solve. It is an insidious problem that has taken generations to create and it won't be solved for a very long time. Some people place no value in traditional family and the foundation it offers.
If you don't give youth something to believe, they will believe anything.
I mentioned earlier the single liberal that posted in this thread would disappear quickly like a troll. They can't dispute the article.
What is 'systemic racism'?

I’ll answer that ... systemic racism is a system set up to give an advantage to one group over another an example would be “Affirmative Action “. By definition it is racist , systemic and a government sponsored program based on skin color . You can not get any more racist that to set a program up and force private companies to hire people based on the color of their skin than this program while simultaneously saying the hiring of a person based on their skin color is against the law .
Not only that he assumes I am white? Only a white liberal who loves to sweep the real threat in our communities under the table would blindly assume only a white conservative male could start this thread. See black on black crime, even the loss of children, don't garner the same attention in liberal media, outrage from the Bolsheviks looting and burning in the streets, or score political wins on the campaign trail. Essentially 80/20 rule doesn't apply. They want to grapple with the fringe issues.

The posts were rich and woefully ignorant.
Reminds me of the CNN person who was trying to call the guy on the phone a racist, then found out he was a black man 🤣🤣
'You think you're white because you ride with that White boy': Bullied black Alabama girl, 9, Commits Suicide after classmates Taunted her for having a White Friend and told her to 'kill yourself'

A nine-year-old girl has committed suicide after being bullied by her fourth-grade classmates.

McKenzie Adams was found by her grandmother in her Linden, Alabama, home after she hanged herself, the Tuscaloosa News reported. Family members say she had been harassed since the beginning of the school year.


McKenzie's mother, Jasmine Adams, told CBS 42 that much of the bullying came from her friendship with a white boy and how his family would drive her to school.

'She told me that this one particular child was writing her nasty notes in class,' McKenzie's mother said. 'It was just things you wouldn't think a nine-year-old should know.'

'Part of it could have been because she rode to school with a white family,' she continued. 'And a lot of it was race, some of the student bullies would say to her 'why you riding with white people you're black, you're ugly. You should just die'. '

McKenzie's aunt, Eddwina Harris, also told the Tuscaloosa News about the racially-motivated taunting.


'She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as 'kill yourself,' 'you think you're white because you ride with that white boy,' 'you ugly,' 'black b-tch,' 'just die',' she echoed.

The grieving family felt the school system failed her daughter.

Harris described her niece as a girl who loved the beach, the zoo and wanted to be a scientist some day. She intends to use her platform as a a media personality in Atlanta to speak out for other bullied children.

Alabama girl, 9, committed suicide after classmates taunted her for having white friend, family says | Daily Mail Online
'You think you're white because you ride with that White boy': Bullied black Alabama girl, 9, Commits Suicide after classmates Taunted her for having a White Friend and told her to 'kill yourself'

A nine-year-old girl has committed suicide after being bullied by her fourth-grade classmates.

McKenzie Adams was found by her grandmother in her Linden, Alabama, home after she hanged herself, the Tuscaloosa News reported. Family members say she had been harassed since the beginning of the school year.


McKenzie's mother, Jasmine Adams, told CBS 42 that much of the bullying came from her friendship with a white boy and how his family would drive her to school.

'She told me that this one particular child was writing her nasty notes in class,' McKenzie's mother said. 'It was just things you wouldn't think a nine-year-old should know.'

'Part of it could have been because she rode to school with a white family,' she continued. 'And a lot of it was race, some of the student bullies would say to her 'why you riding with white people you're black, you're ugly. You should just die'. '

McKenzie's aunt, Eddwina Harris, also told the Tuscaloosa News about the racially-motivated taunting.


'She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as 'kill yourself,' 'you think you're white because you ride with that white boy,' 'you ugly,' 'black b-tch,' 'just die',' she echoed.

The grieving family felt the school system failed her daughter.

Harris described her niece as a girl who loved the beach, the zoo and wanted to be a scientist some day. She intends to use her platform as a a media personality in Atlanta to speak out for other bullied children.

Alabama girl, 9, committed suicide after classmates taunted her for having white friend, family says | Daily Mail Online

I wish I could go back in time 4 minutes and not know about this beautiful little girl killing herself.

Very disturbing.
'You think you're white because you ride with that White boy': Bullied black Alabama girl, 9, Commits Suicide after classmates Taunted her for having a White Friend and told her to 'kill yourself'

A nine-year-old girl has committed suicide after being bullied by her fourth-grade classmates.

McKenzie Adams was found by her grandmother in her Linden, Alabama, home after she hanged herself, the Tuscaloosa News reported. Family members say she had been harassed since the beginning of the school year.


McKenzie's mother, Jasmine Adams, told CBS 42 that much of the bullying came from her friendship with a white boy and how his family would drive her to school.

'She told me that this one particular child was writing her nasty notes in class,' McKenzie's mother said. 'It was just things you wouldn't think a nine-year-old should know.'

'Part of it could have been because she rode to school with a white family,' she continued. 'And a lot of it was race, some of the student bullies would say to her 'why you riding with white people you're black, you're ugly. You should just die'. '

McKenzie's aunt, Eddwina Harris, also told the Tuscaloosa News about the racially-motivated taunting.


'She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as 'kill yourself,' 'you think you're white because you ride with that white boy,' 'you ugly,' 'black b-tch,' 'just die',' she echoed.

The grieving family felt the school system failed her daughter.

Harris described her niece as a girl who loved the beach, the zoo and wanted to be a scientist some day. She intends to use her platform as a a media personality in Atlanta to speak out for other bullied children.

Alabama girl, 9, committed suicide after classmates taunted her for having white friend, family says | Daily Mail Online

So sad.
'You think you're white because you ride with that White boy': Bullied black Alabama girl, 9, Commits Suicide after classmates Taunted her for having a White Friend and told her to 'kill yourself'

A nine-year-old girl has committed suicide after being bullied by her fourth-grade classmates.

McKenzie Adams was found by her grandmother in her Linden, Alabama, home after she hanged herself, the Tuscaloosa News reported. Family members say she had been harassed since the beginning of the school year.


McKenzie's mother, Jasmine Adams, told CBS 42 that much of the bullying came from her friendship with a white boy and how his family would drive her to school.

'She told me that this one particular child was writing her nasty notes in class,' McKenzie's mother said. 'It was just things you wouldn't think a nine-year-old should know.'

'Part of it could have been because she rode to school with a white family,' she continued. 'And a lot of it was race, some of the student bullies would say to her 'why you riding with white people you're black, you're ugly. You should just die'. '

McKenzie's aunt, Eddwina Harris, also told the Tuscaloosa News about the racially-motivated taunting.


'She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as 'kill yourself,' 'you think you're white because you ride with that white boy,' 'you ugly,' 'black b-tch,' 'just die',' she echoed.

The grieving family felt the school system failed her daughter.

Harris described her niece as a girl who loved the beach, the zoo and wanted to be a scientist some day. She intends to use her platform as a a media personality in Atlanta to speak out for other bullied children.

Alabama girl, 9, committed suicide after classmates taunted her for having white friend, family says | Daily Mail Online
So jacked up.
Black student bullied for "acting white"

RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. (WACH) — A midlands school district is under fire after a student said she was physically and verbally abused.

A civil rights lawsuit claims the student was called racial slurs, pushed and tripped because she was academically advanced. Angel O’Neal said the decision to enroll her 11-year-old daughter wasn't easy, after hearing allegations that a gifted black student was the target of violence and racial slurs at Hand Middle School.

According to the lawsuit, the student faced both physical and verbal abuse, often being pushed or shoved when walking the hallways. Things got so bad her parents decided to remove her from the school and place her in home school. The complaint claims more than 25 bullying incidents took place inside classrooms, hallways and during recess. It explains students calling her racial names like "oreo" "white girl" and "wanna be white girl."

In 2015, the lawsuit says three females tried pushing her down a flight of stairs. Days later, she was hit with a bookbag, chipping two of her teeth. The girl's parents said they informed district officials, but little to nothing was done.

Black student bullied for "acting white"

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