BlackRock, Other Investment Firms 'Killing The Dream' of Home Ownership, Journalist Says

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Nobody actually owns their own home anyway. Governments can come and take them whenever they want them and they make homeowners pay a ransom for the use of their own property.
One of my main issues is you never own the resources "under" your land. Even if you own it outright.
Well, he’s a Viking. Lots of pillaging and plundering in his bloodline.

My mom is what is referred to as Black Irish with black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Her heritage traces back to Scandinavia and then goes into Ireland after the battle when many Vikings stayed.

I have been told they were straight nuts.
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I remember the professor teaching a Federal IT course I once took pointing out that the IRS typically will let a disputed interpretation slide rather than escalate it to the courts. If they win they only collect a small amount from a single taxpayer but if they lose the floodgates are thrown wide open for every tax payer to take advantage of the adverse ruling.
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The majority of these audits, per article, is to look into whether or not the earned income credit was paid out.

This isn't to make sure that the government didnt collect enough taxes but to see if the government paid out too much money in welfare type refunds.

They are slightly different types of audits.
Blackstone (not to be confused with Blackrock---see below) acquires another $6 billion worth of residential housing -- 17,000 houses total. Politicians and Volnation continue concentrating on the neverending culture wars. This is end result of neoliberalism: Everything is privatized. Every single aspect of your life, from policing to healthcare to education to housing. dems vs repubs ---it doesnt matter anymore...

The few avenues for financial stability that remained before covid hinged on people being able to acquire and own major purchases. That ability is being aggressively taken away even from people who are relatively high earners.

Blackstone Bets $6 Billion on Buying and Renting Homes
Citizen, the vigilante justice app, has a plan to deploy private security forces, too
BlackRock v Blackstone

VN Store
