A&M is not interested in Barnett.
Stidham (former Baylor QB) recently attended the A&M v. UT game. They aren't interested in him either.
A&M will roll with Starkel (6'4" RS Fish next year), Mond (#1 or #2 DT QB depending on which service you use) and Hubenak (RS SR next year who played in the Louisville bowl game last year).
Starkel throws the best deep ball, Hubenak has the most experience in the system, Mond is the best runner / passer combo.
Stidham (former Baylor QB) recently attended the A&M v. UT game. They aren't interested in him either.
A&M will roll with Starkel (6'4" RS Fish next year), Mond (#1 or #2 DT QB depending on which service you use) and Hubenak (RS SR next year who played in the Louisville bowl game last year).
Starkel throws the best deep ball, Hubenak has the most experience in the system, Mond is the best runner / passer combo.