Fortunately I've never drank. That said, anyone that wants to see amazing functioning alcoholics needs to pick a random military service member and hang out with them for two weeks.
Miranda let one too many ride in her little red wagon. Never thought she was that attractive. Always liked Gwen more. Go watch underneath it all if you disagree. I've always been a ska head though. Ska>country. But then almost any other type of music>98% country imo.
Gwen Stefani was ska for about 5 minutes 30 years ago. She's been a pop joke about 10 times longer than she was ska/punk. Maybe she can sing a country song about bananas now.
Miranda and it's not even close, even though I'm not that high on her either. Still the dropoff is unreal imo. It's almost as crazy as Brad leaving Jennifer for Angelina.