The USA beat down the Nazis. The USA destroyed Communism. The USA takes in more immigrants than any other country. US citizens contribute to more causes than any other people on Earth. Yet much of the rest of the world and even our own younger generations have been taught to hate us. So what exactly is the upside of continuing to be so charitable to the **** countries?
I guess I take hate our foreign policy on more pragmatic terms. What could our country be if we didn't devote so much money and resources towards maintaining an empire and raging war? We blew a golden opportunity after WWII... or even after the fall of communism. We could have been 30 years further ahead in domestic nuclear energy production or other alternative energies and could have had far more wealth.
We can make the world a better place with adults running things again.
Refresh my memory, but when has our freedom been jeopardized since 1989? Or hell, since the end of WWII for that matter?