Blue State Death Spirals

Will be funny if they use federal money where the Repubs made block grants (you know the Repub concept where you give the states federal money to use as they deem appropriate since the states know how to spend it better than the feds do). So they could be using your tax dollars to pay the reparations. Still laughing?

Oh and for you "blue states are crashing" people, please check out this article on violent crime. 2 of the top 10 low crime states are red, 2 are purple and the rest are blue. Virginia is the only southern state on the list, and it's purple on its way to blue.

Yeah I would still be laughing. The money would be wasted regardless but at least this would be entertaining.
They’re going to approve reparations less than a year after the Administration cracked down on Newports. That’s just cruel.
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I really do hope California actually implements this reparations scheme. Watching from a distance as that cluster**** unfolds would be entertaining.

Just as long as the insanity ends at the CA border and they don't manage to drag the rest of us into it. There are so many levels of insanity in the reparations scheme. The first thing to look at is how could a current person be harmed by what may have happened to long dead ancestors, and exactly how are their lives worse off for being here than they would have been if their ancestors were never exported from Africa ... Africa being such an enlightened and progressive place.
Will be funny if they use federal money where the Repubs made block grants (you know the Repub concept where you give the states federal money to use as they deem appropriate since the states know how to spend it better than the feds do). So they could be using your tax dollars to pay the reparations. Still laughing?

Oh and for you "blue states are crashing" people, please check out this article on violent crime. 2 of the top 10 low crime states are red, 2 are purple and the rest are blue. Virginia is the only southern state on the list, and it's purple on its way to blue.

The cities that have the crime are all blue, you put cities like Chicago, Baltimore in any state and the crime crime stats explode.
Just as long as the insanity ends at the CA border and they don't manage to drag the rest of us into it. There are so many levels of insanity in the reparations scheme. The first thing to look at is how could a current person be harmed by what may have happened to long dead ancestors, and exactly how are their lives worse off for being here than they would have been if their ancestors were never exported from Africa ... Africa being such an enlightened and progressive place.

Why didn't they push reparations for asians, they did much more work than blacks did in California
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Just as long as the insanity ends at the CA border and they don't manage to drag the rest of us into it. There are so many levels of insanity in the reparations scheme. The first thing to look at is how could a current person be harmed by what may have happened to long dead ancestors, and exactly how are their lives worse off for being here than they would have been if their ancestors were never exported from Africa ... Africa being such an enlightened and progressive place.

Reparations in general is an insane idea, but it'd make much more sense for California to offer it to Asians. California actually has a history of treating them badly.
Why didn't they push reparations for asians, they did much more work than blacks did in California

My thought, too; I really don't know enough CA history to know for sure about slavery there, but I thought it was more Asian than black.
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California Has $18.9 Billion in Unemployment Debt. Companies Will Have to Pay More in Taxes to Cover the Cost – NBC 7 San Diego

**** it

California could have paid off the debt, or at least a sizeable portion of it, in the past two years when it had a combined general fund budget surplus of $119.4 billion. But state officials didn't do that, to the frustration of business owners like Denise Duncan who are now stuck paying the higher tax.

I like how TN spends its windfalls, by lowering taxes on things that everyone buys, like car plates and food.
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I like how TN spends its windfalls, by lowering taxes on things that everyone buys, like car plates and food.

Just need to legalize pot and stop giving the casino money to 4 states that border us and we can have more windfalls.
As we saw in the last election, Dems literally only have to control 5 cities to control the election. Control Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly and Phoenix and it’s lights out for Reps.

They have zeroed in on that thought process. They can't win with their ideas throughout most of America. They are a big cities party with bad ideas.

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How does Bidn get to just send $3B? Trump couldnt just spend money for the wall.

Thats a great question?? I would bet its because the Dimwits fought Trump tooth and nail on every damn thing he ever tried to do....while the VAST majority of the Republicans are RINOS that do absolutely NOTHING except lobby for funds for their owners...the rich corps that filled their coffers and got them elected such as the MIC, big pharma, commercial farmers corps like Monsanto etc.... if I had to guess I would put it on the feckless, spineless , inept bureaucrats that are supposed to represent the interests of the voters which elected them.

Running our same government that now runs $1,000,000,000,000 plus OVER budget every single year, somehow they kept Trump from spending just $5.7B to finish the entire border wall.....YET our Republican majority Congress just rubber stamped a HUGE budget extension thru Feb1st 2024 that was simply a continuation of the EXTRAORDINARILY HUGE budget that Pelosi came up with back when the Dimwits held both branches of the government!! Did not fight to have a single item removed from a budget that is literally a laundry list of EVERY garbage liberal POS legislation filled with pork that the liberal poons could POSSIBLY dream up!!! The Dimwits put EVERY terrible idea and pet project they could POSSIBLY dream up in that horrible budget knowing that with their majority in both houses of Congress they could push it thru regardless of how obscene it is....and then the majority of Repubs, when they had a chance to finally stand their ground and D0 THEIR DAMN usual...chose to do absolutely nothing except capitulate. Again.

Guess who will hold them accountable though? Who is gonna challenge the RINOs about not doing their jobs? Who is gonna threaten to primary them, or vote them out for doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they were sent to DC to do???

NOBODY. Thats who. Never. Because 90% or more of those of us who vote conservative have no idea what these clowns do once they àre elected. We are the party that in most cases actually has to work for a living...instead of sitting around selling dope living off handouts. We are too busy trying to support our families and live responsible lives to actually do what we NEED to do which is to fire about 90% of these garbage politicians that represent us. Thanks to garbage liberals and their spending it costs us 20 to 30% more to just have the same lives we had under Trump...oh, and our entire life savings just lost about 30% of its purchasing power in the last 3 years thanks to Bidenflation as well. So we got that going for us, which is nice.

90% plus of Congress, both houses, should be tarred and feathered in the public square. Today. Right now. Nothing will change though for the better. It literally never does with our government, ever. In my 46 years of life, our government has gotten ever worse as a whole...and eŕoded our personal rights and freedoms every single time they could. I hope they all get ass cancer, and their fingers fall off so they can't scratch.

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