GAVOL...yes you are correct that McGwire broke down physically. I can tell you that I know more about anabolic steroids than I care to share on this forum. A lot more. The general public didnt know the truth about McGwire physically at the time and probably still doesnt to this day. When the big busts went down right after he set the record, he obviously...out of fear of being caught...stopped using the anabolic agents. All along he claimed to be using the chemical Androstenedione .....which was all a lie. In reality he was using METH androstenedione.....which is a world of difference. Like comparing a Buick to a Ferrari. The Methyl group attached allows the agent to do its work instead of being broken down into harmless chemicals. When he could no longer take the anabolic agent, his body said no more. Most poeple think all steroids build muscle...not true. But even more importantly in McGwire's case, they allowed him to recover and play pain free or somewhat pain free. If you all remember, his reason for retiring was....PATELLAR TENDONITITS. Are you kidding me? A multi million dollar contract...when you are at the top of the baseball world...loved by everyone....and you quit because of patellar tendonitis! Hell Ive had that and trust me....if I were in the spot he was, it sure as heck wouldnt make me quit. Basically his body...all of it....could not continue without the recuperative properties of the drugs.