Box, Plane or Field??

I don't care what anybody says, my favorite part of ESPN game day is seeing the signs. A DVR that will pause and rewind adds to the experience.
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A wuss Yankee like Lame Kitten don't got the BALLZ to be down on the field in NEYLAND eherwhere he proved he was a cheating lying scum bucket!!
We are the 8th game on their sked. He might get canned before they get here. Everything he touches turns to doodoooooooo. Nick don't want any on him.
Where will ole kitty puttin' be during the bama game?

They could have a plane circle the field during offensive possessions.... he won't be able to hear in the box or on the field. this game should be the loudest ever recorded at neyland decibal wise louder than the stupid seahawks home games.

Yes. So yes.
A close friend of mine on KPD told me this past weekend that they would have 3 protective units this year for the Bama game. Head coaches as usual, and Kiffin. He said no "official" plans have been made yet, but that it has been discussed by the squad leaders that something special will happen to try to protect him.
A close friend of mine on KPD told me this past weekend that they would have 3 protective units this year for the Bama game. Head coaches as usual, and Kiffin. He said no "official" plans have been made yet, but that it has been discussed by the squad leaders that something special will happen to try to protect him.

It's pretty pathetic that something like that is necessary.
I just heard alasalami is playing USC trojans in it's 2016 season opener. Obviously this kitten doesn't get it.
Where will ole kitty puttin' be during the bama game?

They could have a plane circle the field during offensive possessions.... he won't be able to hear in the box or on the field. this game should be the loudest ever recorded at neyland decibal wise louder than the stupid seahawks home games.

Please let it go. My advice would be to stop sleeping on the burnt mattress and move on with your life.
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I'm sorry. Actually I'm not... Kiffen took over this program with a promise to bring us back to the top... He talked a lot of **** and got a top ten recruiting class to back it up. Then when his "dream" job came calling he left UT in the dust without a second thought. Anyone who is not pissesd or emotional about him coming back to Neyland, especially with 'Bama, is not a true fan IMo.

The only emotion I have toward Kiffin is that I'm glad he done what he did! If he had stayed we would be under some kind of sanctions by now and the biggest thing is that hammy may have never left and we wouldn't have Head Coach BUTCH JONES leadin our team. So If any signs need to be made they should say thank you Lane for leavin so we could eventually get a coach who truly loves our University and whole heartedly wants to be here. This is his dream job!
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Please let it go. My advice would be to stop sleeping on the burnt mattress and move on with your life.

Not hung up on kiffin. IMO the best thing he did for us was leave.

Gotta add tho...for some of us hating on bama may not be our life but it's a big part of it.
I'm sorry. Actually I'm not... Kiffen took over this program with a promise to bring us back to the top... He talked a lot of **** and got a top ten recruiting class to back it up. Then when his "dream" job came calling he left UT in the dust without a second thought. Anyone who is not pissesd or emotional about him coming back to Neyland, especially with 'Bama, is not a true fan IMo.

Oh good. It's not the offseason unless someone tells me I'm not a true fan. I can now get ready for the fall.
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I know a lot of you guys are saying it's "childish" or whatever to still be pissed at Kiffin, but here's the deal.

There's already bad blood between UT and Alabama. There's even more bad blood between UT and Kiffin. ESPN and the rest of the media are very aware of this. If you don't think they're going to make a big deal out of it for good headlines, think again. I've already heard Dan Patrick talking about security having to sneak Kiffin into the stadium. Couple a media craze with lunatic Vol fandom, and something WILL happen. So yes, it's totally understandable for KPD to be a little over prepared for this. Kiffin is definitely in danger walking into Neyland. And that's not a threat from me or anything, it's just the reality of how CRAZY (passionate?) some Vol fans are.
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