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Ah, so that's how you write out a bull's eye in html.
Pretty tragic; obvious warning signs, yet nobody was able to get him effective help.
Public Suicide in Bend, Oregon, Horrifies Audience, Who Now Seek Counseling for Trauma - ABC News
Apparently, the quickest way to silence gs is to reply by posting ridiculous pictures.
err...he's better than any option out there.
I can't help thinking that word "idiot" over and over again, as hard as I try to be Politically Correct. I have compassion for idiots. I just don't want to be governed by them, or by the con artists and serial liars they keep voting for. Bill Clinton. Barack Obama. Joe Biden. Name your own. It's obvious by now that Obama doesn't even bother to memorize his script anymore. He just tells 'em anything that pops into his mind, and all the E.I.s instantly bow down and knock their heads in the dirt. What a brilliant guy this is!
Obama thinks you're a dumb sucker who will fall for any nonsense syllables he croons in that mellifluous baritone, like Bing Crosby on the radio long ago, and liberals lose all their muscle tone and swoon...the blood drains from their brains...they keel over.
They really are what the Romans used to call stulti, which is what the Greeks used to call "elythios," and the Jews of Europe called "meshugeneh," or possibly "a little child with water on the brain."
So we have a wannabe rockstar president who is completely wrong about every US policy, domestic and foreign, but he's right about his own voters.
Obama is a perfect lightweight for these times; he's a Hollow Man. That's why Obama is not a Muslim any more than Bing Crosby was.
When Obama runs into a snarl like the Middle East, he starts off by taking a victory lap, and then when things get hard, he tells our ally Mubarak to Resign Now, and 30 years' negotiated peace goes down the drain.
If we can elect Sarah Palin president next year, and have a Republican Congress, we can start full-scale domestic fuel development from shale and oil, making us independent from the Saudis and their ilk.
If we develop our domestic fuels we don't need the Muslim countries at all. .
Meanwhile we are stuck with a parasitical population of Educated Idiots, the dumbed-down victims of the welfare state. It's not their IQ or their formal education. It's just their lifelong unwillingness to see the world for what it is. Are we now 51 percent functionally disabled? Or just 45 percent?
On that question the fate of the United States may rest.
Good luck to all of us.
I would vote for Hillary; had my hopes in 2008...
I would take Hillary over Obama, Palin, Bachmann and possibly Trump although he probably wouldn't be worse and would be highly entertaining.
No way Obama wins 2012, just not possible
45% of the population will not vote for Obama under any circumstances. 25% will vote for Obama no matter what. That leaves 30% of the population up for grabs. Yes, some of the 30% wont vote. All Rs need is 50% of that 30% and they win in a landslide
All a R has to do is get his message out clearly and quickly (easy to do in this day), not mess up, and take hold of "the Ah ha moment"
I could agree with this.
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You really are afraid. Terrified.
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My line of thinking, too.
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if that holds true, we're all screwed unless the GOP is able to gain a majority in the Senate.
no he's not but I doubt people are looking too hard anyway. Shiny objects
Does everyone here understand that the incumbent POTUS does not automatically receive the DNC nomination?
The fact that Democrats are disenchanted with Obama leads me to believe that he just might have a primary fight on his hands.
Palin to America is as was Thatcher was to the UK,
no one gave her a chance of winning but she was
second only to Churchill as the greatest UK PM of
the 20th century!!
I see Palin as America's answer to Britain's Thatcher.
gs, I've told you numerous times I'm not touching your posts. If I were, I'd put "Posted via gs's super-secret underground lair of freedom and Jesus" at the bottom of all of them.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
ultimate cutdown: You attend a mosque!
second only to "your mom goes to college"
In May 1969, fishermen discovered the body of
Black Panther Alex Rackley floating in Connecticut's
Coginchaug River. Rackleys captors had clubbed
him, burned him with cigarettes, scalded him with
boiling water and stabbed him with an ice pick
before finally shooting him in the head.
New Haven detectives learned that the Panthers
suspected Rackley of being a police informer.
Panther enforcers had tied him to a chair and
tortured him for hours. Police arrested eight
Panthers and later extradited Panther leader
Bobby Seale from California, after a witness
accused Seale of ordering Rackley's death. (1)
Campus radicals supported the Panthers. They
organized mass protests in support of the so-
called "New Haven Nine." Hillary was right in
the thick of it.
By the time she entered Yale Law School in
1969, Hillary was already a radical celebrity on
campus. Life magazine had featured Hillary in
a piece titled, "The Class of '69," which showcased
three student activists whom Life's editors
deemed the best and brightest of the year.
A line Hillary used in her Wellesley College
commencement speech appeared under her
photo: "Protest is an attempt to forge an
identity." (2)
At Yale, Hillary helped edit the Yale Review of
Law and Social Action a left-wing journal which
promoted cop-killing and featured cartoons of
pig-faced police. (3)
A series of hard-Left mentors introduced Hillary
to the brass-knuckle realities of revolutionary
activism. As a Wellesley undergraduate, she met
and interviewed radical organizer Saul Alinsky,
whose Machiavellian tactics she admired. Hillary's
senior thesis supported Alinsky's call for class
warfare. (4)
At Yale, Hillary found a new Svengali in the form
of left-wing law professor Thomas Emerson, known
around campus as "Tommy the Commie." Emerson
recruited Hillary and other students to help monitor
the trial of the New Haven Nine for civil rights
violations. Hillary took charge of the operation,
scheduling the students in shifts, so that student
monitors would always be present in the courtroom.
She befriended and worked closely with Panther
lawyer Charles Garry. (5)
Some believe that the enormous pressure exerted
by the Left helped ensure light sentences for the
New Haven Nine. Whether or not this is true, the
punishments were mild.
"Only one of the killers was still in prison in 1977,"
reports John McCaslin in the Washington Times.
"The gunman, Warren Kimbro, got a Harvard
scholarship and became an assistant dean at
Eastern Connecticut State College. Ericka Huggins,
who boiled the water for Mr. Rackley's torture, got
elected to a California school board." (6)
Hillary's defenders argue that she played no
"significant" role in the New Haven Nine's defense.
This is semantic hairsplitting. Obviously, Hillary was
less "significant" than Charles Garry or "Tommy the
Commie" Emerson. But Hillary served as a trusted
lieutenant to these movers and shakers. Moreover,
she had a national profile as a campus activist.
Hillary was no rank-and-file student protester, as
her apologists claim.
Indeed, Hillary's work for the Panthers won her
a summer internship at the Berkeley office of
attorney Robert Treuhaft in 1972. A hardline
Stalinist, Treuhaft had quit the Communist Party
in 1958 only because it was losing members and
no longer provided a good platform for his activism.
"Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal
career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet
Communist Party and the KGB," notes historian
Stephen Schwartz. (8)
The defense of the New Haven Nine marked
Hillary's initiation into the sinister underworld
of the hard-core, revolutionary Left. To my
knowledge, Hillary has never publicly renounced
nor apologized for her role in that movement.
Richard Poe is a New York Times best-selling
author and cyberjournalist. For more information
on Poe and his writings, visit his Web site,
Some say Palin isn't electable but at this point Obama couldn't beat a ham sandwich.
She isn't electable, not anymore. Like it or not, the Katie Couric interview damaged Palin in such a way that she will never be taken seriously by anybody but single issue conservatives.
She should never have resigned as governor of Alaska. I probably defended her decision at the time, but looking back has made me realize that quitting the way she did makes her no better than Obama.
Palin has done nothing to increase her "gravitas". She's taken a paid analyst's gig at FNC, she sucked the air out of the room while Bristol danced on DWTS, she gives fiery, boilerplate speeches in a screeching style that works better for a bunch of Code Pink clownettes.
I just don't take her seriously anymore and I'm beginning to think that there's a lot to the criticisms lobbied against her by McCain campaign insiders.
nobody yet and if the GOP establishment foists another RINO like McCain or Dole on the country, I'm going to have to hope the GOP gains a majority in the Senate, because they won't get my vote for President.
Because I don't think Palin is a good choice for a republican presidential candidate?
Or does it take posting hundreds of stupid cartoons to prove that one is a conservative?
I think we broke his brain, y'all.
Can you see Russia from the website? Lol
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I've read The Truth About Hillary and I still would have voted for her over McCain and over any of the serious challenges for the 2012 GOP nod.
So who are you going to vote for??
Hitlery or Obambi?
1. It will depend on who the GOP nominates.
2. what makes you think I'd vote for either?
I also answered this question a while back when you asked if Palin and Obama were my only two choices.
How many more times do you plan on asking? You're never going to get the answer you want to hear, although to mollify you somewhat I will say that I would never vote for an empty-suit leftist like Obama.
She still would have been a better President than the clown currently occupying the Oval Office.
my advice would be to give up on the birth certificate issue. You will never gain satisfaction from it and Obama and his willing accomplices in the media will use it to tarnish every GOP candidate, whether they are birthers or not.
I will not vote for any GOP nominee, whether in the general elections or primaries, who has the birther issue as part of his/her campaign platform.
This is a losing issue for the right. Especially when you have 67% of the American people believing that raising taxes on the "wealthy" will cure the deficit problem.
You are correct. Any thinking individual would compare a Second-Class Honours graduate from Oxford with a non-honors Communication graduate from University of Idaho.
Keep it up, GS.