Brando is picking us to cover

Watching my Vols play on Saturday will always make my weekend. I don't care how down and out we are.

I used to feel that way but too many years of this game destroying me. I hate Florida SOOOOOO much. Cannot stand to see them beat us up. First time in 20 years Im saying no. I think my Saturday, my wife and my dog will be better for it.
The spread...

This whole not announcing a starting QB thing is mental warfare by Butch. He has a surprise or three cooked up for the Gators. I think this game comes down to the wire in the 4th. Good pick on that one Brando :thumbsup:

I think you may very disappointed Saturday. Many have said from the AP game things like, we are not showing our playbook (vanilla). I am afraid what you see is what you get from a execution stand point. I am not saying with the proper personal on the field the playbook wouldn’t open up or Butch wouldn’t have some tricks up his sleeve for this game. I am saying I think the men in Orange are doing the very best they can but there is a lack of depth, talent and plague of injuries that lead me to believe what you have seen is what you will continue to see.
You are brilliant. The QB let Oregon score 59 points, made receivers drop 5 passes and slapped the ball out of Neal's hands to cause his fumbles.

Simpletons draw simplistic conclusions.

Didn't mean to like this. Maybe if the rest of the team believed we had a chance it would have elevated their play. Seeing the QB throw into the ground or behind the WR's for three games, then getting hit for a couple of big plays could have hurt their motivation . Maybe?
I really hope we win. But honestly I think Dooley had it right when he said"we are just not very good". Not giving doofus a pass though...he was still a terrible coach.
Good gracious, 2 weeks in a row where we have a thread touting that someone picked us to cover?
Unless Casey Clausen sneaks out on the field, the only surprise will be for the people really reaching on this board for some sort of good. Our QB play is downright awful and Florida's defense is much better than Oregon's. Unless some sort of miracle occurs, I just don't see us draining the swamp this year

Your right I think it is going to take a miracle to sneak out of the swamp with a W. I think the QB position will rear its ugly head again this week. I hope I'm wrong but I'm just being realistic. GO VOLS!

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