In what ways?Having 4 OCs in 4 Years can mess a QBs mind up..
Most of the skills development is similar. There may be some different approaches to film study but is that really enough to mess up someone's mind?
You could just as easily say that 4 different people tried to fix these problems and none succeeded.
I think he has great physical skills. He's tough. From what we see, he is a team leader. But if he doesn't improve some things that in more than 3 years now he hasn't improved... he limits UT's O beyond anything the OL has done or failed to do. I wanted to believe he had improved prior to this season. I want to believe he will... but he hasn't and there is a possibility that he just doesn't have the particular talents to do those things well.
PS- the OL has had different coaches too, right? Does that excuse apply to them? If so, why is it not needed for other programs?