Branisel and Saulsberry Article on GVX?

Hey everybody, I have an idea. Let's all put forth our best cases why VN should be a pay site, and try and convince Freak to start charging all us freeloaders! Winner pays first. Ready? Let's go! :loco:

Message boards die as paysites. Heck most paysites die of being a paysite. Freak runs ads, ads bring in $$$, we provide the content (meaning he's not having to write all of it himself or pay a large staff to write it -- we do that for him with the threads/comments we make), and there's very little overhead to running a forum. It would be crazy to make VN a paysite. Freak presumably knows all of that since VN has survived this long.

IOW, don't worry about it. We're safe. :hi:
Ha Ha! You run the best site in college sports, and that's the truth. Thanks for all you do.

So journalists and journalism majors should ride the taxpayers and be proud of EBT cards? Either way you're going to pay for it. Thank God for Ron Swanson.
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The problem with any kind of online forum that purports to supply "news" (vs members posting stuff they know, think they know, pretend they know, etc.) is that the newswriters are incentivized to Post Stuff as frequently as possible in order to make money. It doesn't much matter whether there's any truth, insight, or anything else, as long as they make that deadline and get their pay.

Here at least we know what we're getting.

Thus my use of Wilson's post in my signature. :)

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