Brent Schaeffer Likely Out



Senior Member
Jan 29, 2004
Brent is still sick per CBS Sportsline and will not be likely to play Saturday. Dammit



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I am sick too! I am sick to death of too many of our players getting sick or injured. I don't think they are getting their share of enough vitamins and minerals or something.
Question: Not that I should know anything about "colds" or "the flu," but since when did either preclude you from playing in a game 6 days away?

That would be the same question I would ask. I have known many players to play sick with a cold or flu, and those usually happen when they get sick a day or two before the game. But if this guy is sick now, he has several days to recover.

Maybe by being sick now, it is keeping him out of practices (ie if he practices, he wont get better) and thus by Saturday he wont be ready to play. That is the only explanation I can come up with.
I think they were looking for an excuse not to play him, possibly worried he would get reinjured, want to save him for next yr.
Yeah, but why make an excuse? Why not just say that they didn't want to risk it and be done with it?
Nah, Brent, like Neal has a nasty bug that won't go away. No conspiracy here. KD I'll bet you've seen some nasties like this before.
:cross: According to WKOX and local TV, Brent practiced today and is expected to play some. He wil not start, but will get to play some depending on the situation.

Jesse M. also returned to practice and is OK.
schaeffer will not play and will have a press conference with RS after the Cotton Bowl. He is gone, be well and good luck. After Ainge comes back and Crompton arrives the VN will never mention his name again. Why do you people want a Vick prototype? Vick in NOT in the top 15 of one NFL stat. Atleticism means turnovers, inconsistency, poor decision making and I will stop there. Good luck Brent and thanks for ONE play at SC.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Dec 29, 2004 8:32 PM
schaeffer will not play and will have a press conference with RS after the Cotton Bowl. He is gone, be well and good luck.

Are you making a prediction donsargegolf, or is this actually in the works?? I kinda hate to see Brent go, but if Crompton is the real deal we can't afford to lose
i find it funny on rivals 100 that it said that he is gonna play and that he is ready to win i think your info is a little off my friend!!!!
since when did rivals become the pipeline to vols info? RS said the press conference would be after the bowl game and he did not practice twice this week. what is the love affair with this kid? he has done little or nothing for UT. put the press conference, no practice, and chris low's interview yesterday stating the same thing i have stated together and figure it out. go get em' Rick Clausen.
I agree with you that Schaeffer is probably going to leave, but nobody has right to say how he would have turned out. You cannot expect a true freshman quarterback to perform well. Yes, some of them can do well enough, Ainge being an example, but to expect an 18-year old to come into a program, develop a fundamental understanding of the offense and step up his game to levels he has never been at before is completely unrealistic.

He showed great potential is all I know, and may well turn out to be a great asset to some team's offense.
I for one dont think he will leave he made a pack with ainge that they will win the NC and both go pro besides if he leaves he will miss a year and that will hurt him plus if he was going to leave why would he play saturday everybody is saying that he is gonna leave what about ainge he could go just the same as brent all of it is hear say!!
All you have to do is pay attention to what Schaeffer is doing. Here is how it breaks down:

UT needs a starting quarterback and their options for next year are Schaeffer (if he stays), Clausen, Cropton and Ainge.

Schaeffer has demonstrated many inconsistencies towards the end of the season, having missed numerous classes and practices. You cannot have a starting player, much less a guy who's supposed to be a team leader, acting like this. Not to mention he will not be able to iron out his inconsistencies if he does not practice. He will not improve if he doesn't play.

Next up is Clausen. While Slick Rick has acted well enough as a patch due to the injuries of Ainge and Schaeffer, I'm afraid he does not have what it takes to lead a team like what needs to be done. It is too late in his college career to learn what he needs to in order to give UT any sort of effective passing. He will be a senior next year, and he simply does not have the experience to keep UT going for a full season. And yes, aside from one play, I appreciate everything he has done for us in stead of the Fab Freshmen.

Crompton is still all of what, 17? It should go without saying that starting a QB in his first year of a football program (when he's still 17 or 18, no less) is a flat-out bad idea. Let him watch, and learn the offense through what he sees. There can be exceptions, but as a general rule, starting true freshman qb's = bad idea. We got lucky with Ainge, don't expect lightning to strike twice.

Speaking of Ainge... That just leaves him. He's young, learning the program at a rapid rate, and has shown that with some improvement, he has the potential to be a leading QB in the SEC. Over the offseason training, I expect Sanders to do big things with Erik.

This all just my opinion... But I feel pretty well-justified in it.
Has there ever been more hand wringing over the intentions of a Freshman who hasn't even played more than 25 snaps in a game yet? Stay, Go - I just don't care.
Originally posted by GAVol@Dec 29, 2004 8:52 PM
Has there ever been more hand wringing over the intentions of a Freshman who hasn't even played more than 25 snaps in a game yet? Stay, Go - I just don't care.

No. I don't think anything regarding views on Schaeffer's capability have changed since the day he stepped foot on Tennessee's campus.
Everybody want ainge to be qb because they compare him to payton they will never be another peyton he is special i want a mobile qb i am tired of a flat footed qb that takes sacks.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Dec 29, 2004 9:32 PM
After Ainge comes back and Crompton arrives the VN will never mention his name again. Why do you people want a Vick prototype? Vick in NOT in the top 15 of one NFL stat. Atleticism means turnovers, inconsistency, poor decision making and I will stop there.

You are right, Vick isn't the best QB in the NFL. He sure did look good in college though. He led his team to a National Championship with his Athleticism. I don't think that Schaeffer is the best QB, but I don't dislike him. I think you are really hard on him for whatever reason. That "one play" in the USC game changed the outcome of that game. He also ran in that 2 point conversion to tie it up and he has had some others too. I know ya don't like him don, but you don't have to hate him out of the program.
The pact they made to win a NC together was before playing time started going Erik's way. Not that Brent is any less a player, but at that age confidence breks quickly and when he started riding the pine more he started losing his edge. He does need to be a little Vick. He needs to be a Brent whether he stays or go. Bottom line, if he wants to go pro, he needs to learn how to pass from the pocket. Vick will never see his contract through. He can't stay healthy for 10 years moving around like that. He could T'fer down to JC w/o skipping a year and come back up to D1 his Jr. year. Rick knows he wants to be a coach. And probably would make an excellent QB coach. If he gets playing time, that 's just gravy for him. He likes being next to the OC's.
Originally posted by volattic@Dec 30, 2004 12:12 AM
Everybody want ainge to be qb because they compare him to payton they will never be another peyton he is special i want a mobile qb i am tired of a flat footed qb that takes sacks.

Have you seen any games this year? Erik Ainge doesnt take sacks, he has far fewer than Brent. Brent gets sacked all the time in the pocket,Erik always seems to avoid pressure
Originally posted by JSB2277+Dec 30, 2004 12:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JSB2277 @ Dec 30, 2004 12:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-volattic@Dec 30, 2004 12:12 AM
Everybody want ainge to be qb because they compare him to payton they will never be another peyton he is special i want a mobile qb i am tired of a flat footed qb that takes sacks.

Have you seen any games this year? Erik Ainge doesnt take sacks, he has far fewer than Brent. Brent gets sacked all the time in the pocket,Erik always seems to avoid pressure [/quote]
I was going to write the same thing, you beat me to it&#33; Ainge has taken few sacks and is a "flat footed Qb"&#33; Where is the proof that running qb&#39;s work?

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