Brent Schaeffer Likely Out

I sure hope Brent doesn't go anywhere and I hope he doesn't visit volnation either because you guys are crazy! This guy is talented and we need this kid. He has made more than one play people and HE IS ONLY A FRESHMAN! Ainge is the starter but I feel great with Brent or Rick as his backup. (I haven’t seen Crompton so I can't say much about him.)

Donsargegolf where did you hear he is going to have a press conference? So he has already decided to leave but they let him practice and he may even play? I don't buy it one bit!!!

Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Dec 28, 2004 7:59 PM
Nah, Brent, like Neal has a nasty bug that won't go away. No conspiracy here. KD I'll bet you've seen some nasties like this before.

Seen plenty of nasties, that's for sure. But never have I seen a "cold" or a "flu" on Monday and promised the parents (or 5 million Tennessee fans) that it wouldn't be better in 6 days. That's just plain crazy-talk. In fact, most viruses "run their course" in 3-5. Makes you wonder. . . . .

As for the discussion about Brent's ability, possibilities of leaving, etc., what bothers me is his seeming lack of dedication, work ethic, and leadership. We've had a QB in recent history who took pride in his classwork, set a positive example on campus (e.g. - I never saw him puking his guts out at O'Charleys on the patio -- UNLIKE a few of our other players at the time), and studied the game like he was trying to cure cancer.

What happened? I'll give you a clue: it happened 49 times this year. So far. . . .

More often that not, great QB's are great PEOPLE. Sure, there are exceptions, but if you look around, so many do well in school, are involved in charity work, communities, and so on. This builds team respect and confidence in the person taking the snap and choosing who gets the ball. Once you have talent, respect and confidence breeds success.

If Brent wants to get his act together and fight for a starting spot atop the Hill, beautiful. But in my opinion, he needs to shape up, or ship out.

OK OK, I'll shut up now. My :twocents:

I don't think anyone believes that Shaffer is better than Ainge and I don't beleive that those who do want Shaffer want him because he is better. They want him because he brings excitement to the game. Thats why we fell in love with Holloway and Streater, because of thier ability to escape defenders and juke thier way into the endzone. Granted the less mobile drop-back passer makes better use of all the talent on the team and is more effective, but (yawn), it can be pretty boring to watch sometimes. But when it come down to winning ball games, I think most of us would rather have boring wins than exciting losses. I would love to see Shaffer stay to make things fun, but if he's not willing to accept his role as a co-starter or back-up, I would rather lose him than to lose Ainge.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Dec 30, 2004 1:00 PM
Granted the less mobile drop-back passer makes better use of all the talent on the team and is more effective, but (yawn), it can be pretty boring to watch sometimes.

Yeah, but who was yawning Sunday evening while Manning dropped back? Sometimes, it's the receivers that should be making the dramatic "highlight" plays and circus catches. I love watching a studly QB sit back and pick apart a defense with surgical precision while calmly throwing seemingly impossible passes into double coverage.
My .02 on Brent.

I met him after the LaTech game near gate 21. He was one of maybe 6 kids that came out of the locker room in his suit. He was standing near me signing autographs so I told him he had a good game. We chatted off and on while he signed autographs and he hung around until the last kid had his sig. He has great manners and a lot of class. I watched and listened to him with each kid. He was just super with them.

As to his style of play, who gives a damm? As long as he's a winner and gets the job done, I could care less. If you didn't see the SC game, you have no idea how much he adds to this team. Giving the opposition's DC something else to worry about is worth it as well.

Quit dissin' this fine young man. I appears some of you can't survive without casuing controversy or participating in controversy...mostly without having your facts straight. He is a Vol and all you guys oughta support him as long as he is a Vol. I suspect Brent will be a Vol the rest of his life.
I don't think anybody is really dissin' Schaeffer - just tired of listening to all the conjecture. Personally, I hope he plays 4 years at Tennessee and gets a good education.
Yep, but where is the "conjecture" coming from? The only public statement regarding Schaeffer was from Randy earlier this week in a Tennessean article. Randy said he expected Brent to stay at UT. In the mean-time the kid is a Vol.
Exactly my point - there are rumors everywhere, but no doubt most of the conjecture is just uninformed fan talk and internet crap.
Who on Earth could be starting these nasty rumors???


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