Brent Schaeffer...Or The Lack There Of

Those earrings that Schaeffer wears need to go. He for sure doesn't look like a pirate. What's up with that anyway? He looks like a sissy boy, if you know what I mean. He can run, no doubt, but it seems to me that nobody should be allowed to wear earrings on the field. Seems like that would be a hazard to his ears if he got his helmet ripped off, not to mention the fact that it appears as if he is trying to draw attention to HIMSELF. Am I being an old-fashioned judgemental bigot, or does anyone else feel the same way?
Originally posted by GoTide@Oct 26, 2004 7:59 PM
Those earrings that Schaeffer wears need to go. He for sure doesn't look like a pirate. What's up with that anyway? He looks like a sissy boy, if you know what I mean. He can run, no doubt, but it seems to me that nobody should be allowed to wear earrings on the field. Seems like that would be a hazard to his ears if he got his helmet ripped off, not to mention the fact that it appears as if he is trying to draw attention to HIMSELF. Am I being an old-fashioned judgemental bigot, or does anyone else feel the same way?

I don't care for them much...not on the field anyway.
Originally posted by GoTide@Oct 26, 2004 7:59 PM
Those earrings that Schaeffer wears need to go. . . .

Am I being an old-fashioned judgemental bigot, or does anyone else feel the same way?

I'm right there with you on that one. Can't believe he's allowed to do that?

Of course, the way his PT has evaporated in the last month, his ears are probably pretty safe.
You say you dont care for schaffer leaving or crompton not comming well im a vol fan i bleed orange but i have to disagree In footbal you have injuries and what if Ainge goes down who are we gonna put at qb ill tell you this and mark my words if schaffer was to transfer to another sec school such as florida we all will regret it because he will be a awesome quateback.

My :twocents:
Schaeffer may very well turn out to be a fine QB but right now he is not in the same class as Ainge. He has proven thru practice that he is not as good as Ainge therefore Ainge plays and Schaeffer doesn't. If Schaeffer does transfer he will likely wind up at NC State since I doubt very seriously Fulmer would release him to another SEC school and NC State was his 2nd choice. Most of you yapping about Schaeffer were probably the same ones who thought Stewart was the better QB than Manning. If Schaeffer wants to be the startung QB then he'll have to go somewhere else cause that job belongs to Ainge
who is the better QB.

Crompton will be a VOL take that to the bank. While you may whine and jabber about him not coming he is in fact coming so get over it already.

As for Clausen losing to 2 ACC teams understand that its hard to beat any team when your own team fails to help the QB out. Against Maryland, UT was lucky to make it there with all the injuries and lack of a good receiving corps and against Clemson they met a hot team and the rest of the offense didn't show up Clausen gave his all for UT while some such as Troy Fleming DID NOT!

Remember when throwing Shuler's numbers out that he was done in 2 years since he was an understudy as a Freshman and left after his Junior year.

UTVOLFAN- what I find sad is the way you disparage Clausen. How many games was won in his 4 years, how many road games were won, how many big victories was there. Are you really so out of touch that you think Manning, Shular or Martin could have done better with half the starting team on the sidelines with injuries in 2002 or even in 2003 when the WR's were so inexperienced that they had a hard time finding the field let alone runningroutes or reading defenses? Was it Clausens fault that the bad recruiting years of 98 and 99 finally caught up with the team? I think you need to go back and learn the modern game of football and learn a little something about talent before disparaging Clausen. Clausen was a warrior who played hurt, played with less talent than any QB since the mid 80's. i'm not a big fan of Clausen but I give him his due, he was a fine QB who that proved more than once.
Originally posted by volattic@Oct 26, 2004 10:45 PM
mark my words if schaffer was to transfer to another sec school such as florida we all will regret it because he will be a awesome quateback.

take out the name Shaeffer in your post and insert Brandon Stewart and we've heard it all before.
Maybe I'd feel differently if I'd actually seen Schaeffer make more than a couple of flashy runs, but I haven't seen anything that makes me fear him leaving. I think he could be a very good player in time, but just because a few people compare him to Vick doesn't make him Vick.
Fulmer has reported that Shaeffer had his best day of practice on monday that he has had all year. Hopefully he has been listening to folks talk about he needs to step it up if he wants playing time.
I'm not saying that I don't want brent or crompton here, all I'm saying is that if they go the world will not end just like when stewart left and and when chrissy went south...we survived :ph34r:
hmmm... I had forgot about ol' Casey trying to run and get first downs against Clemson, when nothing else was working... poor guy can't run for crap, but he nearly lost his head on a couple of those b/c he didn't slide, trying his DAMNDEST to get the first... I still think that losing those two games, especially as badly as we did was unacceptable. I remember being so pissed at being thrown in the Peach for the second time, and then getting destroyed.

Anyway, I digress. Brent may still get his due at QB, but I really doubt it. Whenever E has been playing poorly as of late, he still hasn't gotten in the game. I just don't see it happening.

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