Brent Schaffer



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
Brent has been cleared to play and will play in the cotton bowl i know that some people thinks that he is going to transfer but he said that he was not transfering and that he loves the vols and will be there next year i am glad cause he is such a good quaterback and brings so much depth to the vols i for 1 cant wait to see him in the cotton bowl!!!
Brent showing up to play in Dallas will answer several questions. I hope he satys around for 3 more years. Our new 2 headed monster is Schaeffer and Clausen. Um, not bad.


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No offense to Rick, but I would like to Schaeffer play a full game. I know the in the bowl game it is probably not likely. I really would just like us to win however we can. However, I am still curious to see what Schaeffer could do by himself.
I like Schaffer, but for some reason I'm more comfortable with Ainge taking the snaps, but Schaffer is a good player and I would like him to stay. The Vols did good this year running theyre 2 QB system, Ainge and Schaffer, so imagine if we keep both of them together for 3 more years
I'm surprised. Eveything I'd read had him leaving. This is good news, if he's not still emulating Kelly Washington or James Banks. I still believe that Slick Rick has earned the start for the Cotton Bowl.
Johnsoncityvol i beliave you are the only person saying he is gonna leave.

do you want him to ??
No, that was the general consensus among a lot of people, myself included.

I perfer Ainge playing as well, just because Schaeffer still does not have his head on straight when it comes to pressure from the defense, and made little improvement. He scrambled heavily against UNLV and LaTech, and it worked because of their defense. But the moment he brought it against SEC teams, it fell apart. Ainge is still learning mobility in the pocket, taking his ques from Peyton. Even if Schaeffer stays around, I still believe Ainge will be the primary choice. IMO, an option offense just doesn't work that well in the SEC.
after brent gets a off season of training and lifting he will be un stoppable i cant wait to see him under center next year
Schaeffer is the better athlete but he is not in Vicks Class
Ainge is the better QB.
Originally posted by volattic@Dec 12, 2004 4:23 PM
Johnsoncityvol i beliave you are the only person saying he is gonna leave.

do you want him to ??

All I'm saying is that based on everything I've seen here (none of which I've posted, only commented about):

the skipping class since the Ole Miss game, not going to QB meetings and film room, involved in an afterhours fight the week prior to the SECCG...

If these things are true, and he is choosing the path of Kelly Washington, James Banks and other infamous Vols of late, then he needs to the team and himself a favor and transfer.

Now, if he gets his head on straight, puts all this (if it happened) behind him, and wants to contribute to the team in any way possible, whether starting or not, then yes I hope he stays. But we do not need anymore of the 'distraction' type players that have been making headlines the last few years.

I think Schaeffer is immensly talented, but Ainge is the better QB at this point in their careers.

I think Slick Rick Clausen has earned the start in the Bowl game. Other than his two terrible decisions in the ND and KY games, he's really made any mistakes that have been game killers. Should Schaeffer get playing time in the Bowl game? Only if the situation warrants.
Because of Schaeffer's behavior, I'd say put him on the clean-up crew, unless we are trailing in the fourth.
Give him some snaps to throw the D a curve but Clausen has earned a start .
Originally posted by JohnsonCityVol@Dec 13, 2004 12:36 AM
I think Slick Rick Clausen has earned the start in the Bowl game. Other than his two terrible decisions in the ND and KY games, he's really made any mistakes that have been game killers.

20-8-0 for 69 yards and 1 TD against Auburn.

yeah. i'd say he deserves the start too.
Rick would have had some more yards if it wasn't for the stupid penalties and the recievers sudden case of hands like feet syndrome. Auburns defense knew that Rick wouldn't go with long passes, so that enabled them to play tight. IMO, the QB situation shouldn't be about who deserves to play, but who will give us the best chance of winning. We will see who Fulmer thinks that is.
I saw no less than 4 legitimate dropped passes by the receivers against Auburn. And the holding call on the 45-yard pass completion was tough.

Clausen could have easily been 13-of-21 for 154 yards.

Throw in the 70 yard run by Houston called back by the bogus holding call and the Vols finish the game with at least 35 points (more if they score after the 45-yard completion that was called back) and 450 yards of offense against Auburn.
yeah. t. brown couldnt catcha cold durning the auburn game.

still. clausen looked crappy to be nice about it. even trying to complete short yardage passes.
expert, no.

i was just expecting a little more accuracy after coming off a huge game against vandy and some bright moments against UK. of course, both are nothing compared to the lime light of the SECCG and the toughness of auburn's D.

ok ok. give auburn credit for a stiff defense and one of the best coverage backs in the nation but he had more than a few lazy passes that could have EASILY been picked off and some bad accuracy on some easy passes.

for TNVOLS1, for a 3rd string QB coming into the BIGGEST game of year and playing one of the best teams in the nation at one of the hardest positions to boot, he did fine.
Clausen is your starter at the Collon Bowl because of his performance both on and off the gridiron. He has handled himself like a champ in the face of adversity and deserves the respect of the start and resprct of the VN. Go Rick Go.
I agree 100% don.

Clausen doesn't have the athletic abiity the other two have, but he's been very gutsy and for the most part has played smart. I don't hold him directly accountable for the poor showing in the SECCG, all things considered.

And he has been a leader off the field, as well as on.
Agreed. You can make a player out of a man, but you can't make a man out of a player. People like RC any day. This program will turn up a notch if we stick to recruits that can develop on and off the field, not take the Banks road.
glad to hear the leadership role he has played for the vols. those are some big shoes to fill.

get'er done, rick!!

we need a bowl win!!!
I think Fulmer needs to make a statement to Brent that he is committed to giving him a real shot at the #1 spot. I think if Brent says hes ready to go I think Fulmer ought to let him go out on the field and show why he should be the #1 guy for Tennessee. Everyone knows Clausen is NOT the future. Im afraid if Fulmer decides to let Rick play most of the game and wants to rest/let Brent heal, he is setting up a transfer. Schaeffer will not sit back and be a CJ Leak. Brent needs to take it to the field, strap it up and take that starting spot if he wants it.

Brent is not CJ Leak. CJ Leak is not a good enough QB to start at Tennessee that is a big difference. Brent Could if not for Ainge. You also don't know how much rust Schaeffer has acumulated and with only about 16 practices till Bowl game he may have a hard time overcoming it. There are alot of varibles involved especially at D-1 Level so don't jump to conclusions if he doesn't play alot, it could be other factors involved.
i wonder if brent is even close to 100%.

could he even showcase his ability if he was going to start/play in the cotton bowl?

i mean, how long does it take to recover from a broken collar bone? another hit like the one in the sc game on brent in the cotton bowl and there wont be a QB controversy next year.

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