Brent Schaffer

Generally speaking, a broke collar bone is a 4 week healing process. But, since we are talking D-1 ball, and Brent is just now getting ready to play...? Realistically, his required month the doctors probably demanded have obviously produced the x-rays they wanted to see. If they go non-contact on him down till the last minute of practices, he would actually have almost 2 months of healing. Plenty of time for a properly cared for collar bone. I'd rather have his injury than Ainge's if I had to have one. I would be inclined not to play him, but at the same time if he's able, he needs a confidence boost while knowing Ainge isn't waiting to get in the game.
as a coach what do you do?

play brent?

or sit him on the bench and take a chance that his desire to transfer, if that is true, get even bigger...

there are other factors but not sure they are enough to give him the job over rick.
I don't buy the fact that Shaffer would be coming in rusty because he hadn't played a game recently. After a month between games, everyone will be rusty to game time speed. I would toss the ball to Shaffer and tell him, "Show'm why you came to Tennessee!" If he can't then hand the ball to Clausen. Besides, Clausen knows his role with this team is as a back up when the starters are healthy. He has earned our respect and we should value what he has done but he has not earned the right to start. The best start, not the nice guys, thats just football. You play who ever gives you the best chance to win. If not, why play the game. Coaches need to instill that in the players also. To many times coaches seem to reward the efforts of lesser players with playing time to be an example to more talented players, but that just shows you that a coach cannot coach and motivate his best players.
Brent should get to play if he is healthy but Clausen has earned the start and the majority of playing time.... being out that long he will be rusty and if he can't handle walking the sidelines in these circumstances then he needs to transfer somewhere else..... spring practice is where the contest for the starting job begins again .... in this case Clausen gives us the best chance to win and Brent can contribute but being out of commission that long, well the Cotton bowl is not the place to work the bugs out.
Let's see hasn't thrown the ball live or in practice since SC game, yep his timing will be right on. TO THE DB'S. Plus the fact he doesn't know the Offense as well as Clausen or Ainge. There's alot more that goes into playing QB position at the college level than just jumping right in there. High School fine it can be doen but college no way. Rick has done well enough to start the game, if Schaeffer goes in and gets hot then he stays but if he doesn't you'll have to go back to Clausen. Playing lesser players is what it takes sometimes to get a more talented players attention because nothing else works, it has NOTHING to do with whether someone can coach or not but has everything to do with the PLAYER!
I just don't care who plays QB in the Cotton bowl. I want a bowl win and want a QB who can do that. If it is Rick, fine. If it is Brent, fine. We just need to beat A&M.
Rick will not start next year. He is getting better, but his playing is going through a phase it should have a year earlier; Next year he will be relegated to the same position he is this year, as a backup if Schaeffer and/or Ainge cannot play.
He'll be a backup, but I hear the team loves him. Supposedly he's really team oriented, unlike his brother.
Originally posted by BWeller18@Dec 15, 2004 12:12 AM
He'll be a backup, but I hear the team loves him.  Supposedly he's really team oriented, unlike his brother.

I kind of thought that about Casey too. I just based it on what I saw on the sidelines. Casey would usually stand over there by himself while other guys were huddled up and talking. Maybe he was just concentrating.
As usual, I suspect the coaches will be watching the both of them in practices before the Cotton Bowl and decide who plays how much. Regardless of starters, PT etc., Francione is gonna have to spend some time putting in defenses for both QBs and that works to our advantage.
I had a devout Bama fan tell me today that they are pulling for us to to win cause they hate Fran that much
Originally posted by volmanjr@Dec 17, 2004 1:58 PM
I had a devout Bama fan tell me today that they are pulling for us to to win cause they hate Fran that much

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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