john snodgrass is the worst ballplayer at ut couting all the sports ,i dont think he played 45 minuets the entire time with the vols ,but im going back 25 years when a 7 foot 165 pound whith boy from south west of knoxville was our only option after big guys like dan federmon and kevin nash,after reggie johnson and dale ellis left we had small guys listed bigger than they where tony white was listed at 6,1 and fred jenkins at 6,5.whith was a great player but i was a grade schooler and no better than 5,10 and i was an inch or so taller than tony white and my neighbor who took me to my own baseball games and used a catchers mitt to give me a target to throw at besides in games ,he graduated in 78 from high school and a couple years in collage was 6,1 and half and he was the same exact height as fred jenkins because we stopped them in stoakly before they played georgia and talked 15 minuts or so.but i do cringe when i see brian williams and a few others go to the scorers table but i do the same when jp is shooting the ball outside or freethrows ,he looks tremendous on ally opps,if he could get 9 or 10 clean attempts to dunk a game he would be great and i finnally know what happened to tyler he turned into a stoner ,which i can say i was but not during my school years i was a diehard ball player ,in the summers between 82 and 87 i played basketball 12 hours a day or when i wasnt playing other sports ,i woke up at 6;00am went to this outside paved court and played from 6;30 till 4;45 rested for 5 or 10 minuets 4 or 5 times a day,that is what it takes to be the best you can. i didnt get high or drink but 2times before i joined the army then i became a stoner for well over a deckade i have been clean of weed for almost 4 years ,i get aggrevated a little more now and dont sleep as well but my mind is so much sharper that my shooting hobby i have now ,is better than when i was in the milatary from 87 to 95,i can take my mini 14 and kill a dear from 500 yards and im better with my 30.06 and my british 303 and have gotten good with my kalasnikof and bar and hany with all my pistols but i like my glock 36 45 cal best but the best shooting pistol i had was stolen by tim shaddy dont know last name but any of you in knoxville where he lives bought a chehoslovakian 7.65 and stamped sold in knoxville tennessee and its about 14 or 15 years old check before you buy cause it is hot i reported it told the cops where it probally was dont buy it unless you want to return it or get cought like tyler and williams and goins and tatum,i do have to say everyone on this site and elsewhere says utr has a problem with pot atleast it is natural and i did quit but be glad there not on ice or the bathtub or cokebottle meth that stuff will kill them and all of you all