Browns Moving on From Manziel

He needs court mandated rehab and in-facility counseling (locked up). He also needs to find the Lord before it is too late. He is clearly self destructing. Football should be out of the picture for a long time or forever if necessary.
He needs court mandated rehab and in-facility counseling (locked up). He also needs to find the Lord before it is too late. He is clearly self destructing. Football should be out of the picture for a long time or forever if necessary.

Or Allah.
Unless they draft Goff

Goff won't start immediately if drafted by CLE. He needs to sit behind McCown, learn, and work on some mechanic things, similar to Aaron Rodgers. He isn't the difference in them winning 3 games and making a playoff push this year, so no need to rush him into the starting role. There isn't a QB in this draft class that is ready to step in day 1 and be a starter. Goff, Wentz, Lynch, Cook, all need some time behind an established or stop-gap starter.
Not so sure. Let's see genetic predisposition or a controlling father who tried to live vicariously through his son? Hmm

I think some of you are way overthinking the comparison. The point was, he'll have a 30 for 30 just like TM.
Not really, because I really don't have to say anything else. If you can't figure out why, then I can't help.

But please, ask again. I'm the sure the results will be different.


You made a comment to which two posters (myself and TrueOrange) responded with varying opine and not harshly I will add.
Applying your logic everyone on all message boards throughout the interwebz who voice a difference opinion is "overthinking". Ridiculous and understandable as to why you chose not to defend it

You made a comment to which two posters (myself and TrueOrange) responded with varying opine and not harshly I will add.
Applying your logic everyone on all message boards throughout the interwebz who voice a difference opinion is "overthinking". Ridiculous and understandable as to why you chose not to defend it

Lol, yeah you sure are proving my overthinking comment as 100% wrong.
Yet more nought

One has nothing to do with the other surely you know this, then again

I think his Dad said it all. He would rather bury him instead of him living the kind of life that he is living. That has to be very hard for any father to say. Manziel I pray that you seek the help you need & do it fast.

Lord please step in & make this man realize that he's near death. He needs help & while you can help him please give him guidance & direction to get his life turned around before it's too late. Thank you Jesus in advance for hearing this prayer. Amen!
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