Bru Mccoys shoulder

Don’t worry brother, I won’t share anything else. I honestly learned my lesson.
Every hater in this thread… never mind. I won’t bring info… never mind. I’ll do me and you all stick to being… never mind.
This comment aged really well considering what came out today with nico being questionable.
Thank you for passing info
Do you ever feel like replying to these comments with "suck it".... cause it seems like you have the right to
I’m happy you two found each other. Unless you’re an alt? Then I’m happy you found yourself. 🤔
WBIR is reporting he’s questionable with an injured wrist from an anonymous source. Guess they talked to Real Info.
I actually thought the Nico post yesterday was a joke.
I did too but I appreciate guys putting info out there. That's what msg boards are supposed to be about but immediately calling someone a troll when he obviously heard something correctly, whether Nico plays or not, is why most people shy away from this. I'll say this. Trashing that dude without knowing only shows their own arrogance and hubris and says more about them than it does Real Info.
A real stand up dude would stop digging their hole and say my bad.Sadly, I don't see that happening though.

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