Bruce Feldman comment

If Les was doing that stuff at Okie State, can you imagine the debauchery that must be going on in the city of the Red Stick?
I was not the biggest fan of the Jones hire, but he strikes me as a good guy who won't get the program in trouble, which is something I couldn't say about a lot of the other potential hires.

It was a messed up route to get here, but we ended up with the right guy.
We better be counting our blessings I think we got one of the hottest young coaches in the ncaa. I think that Butch was the perfect pick for UT. Give Butch some time I think the sky is the limit with him. GO VOLS!
I doubt OSU gets punished for this. Auburn is in trouble for this every other year and has yet to be in trouble for it.
We were lucky that Gundy or the coach from UNC did not take the U.T. job. We also dodged a bullet by Muscamp not being interested in U.T.

However; it would have been nice if we had the A & M coach or the Notre Dame coach. I can't believe that Hamilton didn't take serious interest in Sumlin or Kelly.

With the state of our program, it was almost guaranteed that the last person on the list would end up being the coach. Dooley was bottom of the list & Jones was at the bottom of the list. Had Jones not taken the job, they would have been forced to go to the "C" list since the "A" & "B" list were already exhausted.

Also, Martin was at the bottom of the list of our basketball coaches, then when everybody in the NCAA turned us down, he was hired. He was actually a "B" list guy, but at the bottom of the "B" list....

Unless your name is Dave Hart stop talking out of the side of your neck.
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NCAA lays the hammer and takes mountains away from Stillwater

lol yeah okay. We're still waiting on them to lay the hammer on Miami which included buying prostitutes for players!

Instead they are more concerned about Bruce Pearl having a cookout.
Food for thought:

Gundy doesn't "get it".

I had to chuckle and think of UT when I saw on the scroll of hostesses playing the piano with the recruits. I was like, "surely not; hostesses having sex with the football recruits."
I'm sure last week Okie st fans were glad they had a clean coach and program. So let's be happy that it seems that CBJ took over a cleaned up program or close to it, and hope he is able to continue it. But let's not be naive and act as if a college coach may not have something in his past that may not come up down the road. That's why total melt downs happen.

There were some bad yrs there that I just checked our news every morning wondering what embarrassing player news we would have. The last few yrs have definitely been different. Which is great as a fan, so just got to keep hope that CBJ is able to build on what he took over and win at a top level without issues.

Does suck though that there are rogue boosters that can mess things up, so it's important for coaches to keep an eye on players and their behaviors. Coaches know more about these kids than most, so questioning where they got certain things is important. Like my father doing spot checks in our rooms to make sure we weren't doing things we shouldn't be. The only people in my home that had the luxury of privacy were mom and him. Majority of these kids don't have parents that watch over them as much and are all up in their business like the MzTerry's of the world. So the coach has to teach them this no matter what it is...even showering techniques.

Just imho that's all...GBO!!!
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I'm sure last week Okie st fans were glad they had a clean coach and program. So let's be happy that it seems that CBJ took over a cleaned up program or close to it, and hope he is able to continue it. But let's not be naive and act as if a college coach may not have something in his past that may not come up down the road. That's why total melt downs happen.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I found the OK ST AD's comments pretty revealing in that respect. More of a, "Our bad in having this come to light and put all our conference schools under scrutiny" kind of thing than a real mea culpa.

You'd have to be pretty foolish to not assume that most institutions looking to be competitive have abstained from participating in similar things. I'm sure any number are better or worse, but these types of things are one of the problems with football.

This type of stuff is why I think we see such a strong hedonic treadmill for those players who reach the NFL. Given lots of love and attention, and special favors, for happening to be athletic. Then the big crash after their careers are over.

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