Bruce Pearl to Iowa??

i know it makes for interesting conversation, but BP ain't going no where....can we at least wait until his name is mentioned on the rumor wire before we get all hot and bothered by every coaching vacancy that comes up?
(TN Vol 0320 @ Feb 18 said:
OK, first of all, I DO NOT believe this will happen 1 bit. I just titled the thread the way I did to get people to talk...

Anyways, I read today where Indiana is going to go hard after Alford from Iowa. I think we all know that. But, what nobody has been talking about so far is that Bruce is an Iowa guy. He coached there under Tom Davis and you have to be out of your mind to think that Iowa wouldnt think about giving him a call about the job if Alford did leave. Just wanting to get some thought...

True that!

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