I'm not sure how much the play is actually affected by this, but if UT does have to fire Pearl after this season, does anyone think it would be better to announce it sooner rather than later? If the uncertainty of Pearl's job is affecting the team's performance, I would think the best option would be him announcing that he'll resign after this season or something to that effect. We may have some ugly games after that, but I think that in the long run it may be much better than 15 more games of unfocused basketball and a first round tournament exit.
I know people will probably think that if the players find out Pearl is gone, everything will get much worse, but I always feel like knowing what will happen, even if it's not what I prefer, always allows me to focus better than being unsure of what to expect.
here is the issue, imo.
yes, his contract was "torn up". He is working under a "letter of understanding" or something like that while the contract is being re-written.
My guess is they can't do anything until the NCAA rules.
the contract and I'm guessing the letter both cover Pearl from being fired unless the NCAA finds broken rules. Until that comes about, UT would be subject to a buyout once they fire Pearl if my reasoning is accurate.
Pearl is not going to quit / resign if there is a chance UT has to pay him additonal monies.
Now, they (Pearl, Hamilton, players, etc) can speculate as to what might happen but until NCAA letter arrives, appeal is made and final ruling made, there is likely nothing happening to CBP, Hammy or anyone else.
They could all have strong feelings (not made public) that in the end there is enough there to fire Bruce and staff. but until everything happens officially, lawyers are not going to let anything happen to anyone's job. I suppose someone could one thier own reign but I don't see any of that happening without a ruling or letter at a minimum. (February on letter getting here is what I'm hearing).
this is not a cut and dry scenario. certain things have to transpire before the next action can happen. No matter what the impact on this season is.
at end of day, I think Bruce is gone. But not likely to happen until after BB season.