Bryce Brown Announcement

just look at the rivals 100 for 2008 he is in the 20's and a 5 star... and he is not going anywhere so i dont know why we are talking about him
I watch it, he wasn't joking at all, he was trying to get the troops excited...

Just like the breakfast deal calling out urban...It wasn't a joke, but still he was with the carried away

then please tell us the sentence that directly followed the quote you are so enamored with

I didn't understand the premise of the question

I watched the press conference..Kiffin said what he said

It's not ambiguous at all... spin all you want...that's what a Vol fan might do

Still waiting on that video of Kiffin kidding about calling Urban a cheat ? That you claim was a joke

Soo, umm, yeah. Can't even follow your own thought process?

edit: bah, looks to be a 5 quote limit. Your initial comments were regarding the "singing Rocky Top all night long" comment, claiming you watched the video, which you obviously hadn't when confronted.
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Apextiger, listen (or well in this case read) very very carefully. The quote that you originally started with was the "guaranteed" win over Florida this year. That is where the "it was a joke" response came from. It was directed at that quote. After he said "... staying up all night singing Rocky Top after we beat Florida in The Swamp next year, it's going to be great" he then followed that up with "That was Mike's idea btw, just kidding Urban". No one on here has denied the lying comment or tried to pass it off as a joke. YOU misunderstood which of your quotes the response was to. I won't lie, Kiffin should not have called Urban a cheater. On the other hand, his "guaranteeing" a win over Florida WAS a joke, which he made clear immediately afterwards. That is the second part of the sentence. You tried to change the point you were making mid-argument. It looks like when you saw that you were wrong you changed topics to keep stirring the pot. Hope you could keep up and thanks for playing along. Good day sir.

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