lol. You sure put in a lot of work posting something that isn't even true. The article says that
contacting Brown via social networking
might be a violation. The "recruit Brown" page is not contacting Brown and is thus no more a violation than this thread.
Do you mind if I post the link to your post around in various places?
[And the other article was from 2 years ago, about how few violations Oregon had compared to other Pac-10 schools. Did you seriously dig that up on your own?]
Interesting indeed. According to the article you posted, that is a violation.
But, don't worry. I'm not going to tattle to the UT athletic department. Would be too desperate.

Wait. THAT is the girl that is supposedly swaying Brown to go to UT? lol
Well, moron, like many of your other "arguments" you base this diatribe on a host of false presumptions and flat-out wishful thinking. The most glaring would be your assumption that this article, which was only inserted as a reference for the previously described illegality of such actions, represents the totality of all possible NCAA Rules and Bylaws. If this article doesn't mention it, then it must not be against the NCAA bylaws, right?
Is that your argument, Fonzie?
Either you don't know how illogical that is because you're stupid, or you forgot because you're dumb. Which is it? Fess up.
Here's another corker for you, Donald, if the site was not meant to contact Brown......then what's the point of having it? It's like painting the Last Supper. On the bottom of your shoe. With chalk.
It's like boobs on a bull.
It's like an Oregon Duck fan lurking around a Tennessee message board for longer than a month.
Simply, it's both stupid and meaningless if not done with the intent of being viewed / shown to Brown. If not, then why do it?
Is THAT now your argument - I'll give you a pass and let you change it even at this late hour - that the totality, or a large percentage of Duck fans are not only stupid enough to start such an illegal site, but then, to compound the lunacy.....never even intended to show it to him? And some 1,000 other people signed up.....for that.
Really? Ha! Ha! No, really? Yes? Are you kidding me? Uh-uh? Ha! Wow. Really. Yikes.
Why not just go rob a bank, and after you make your getaway, burn all of the cash to hide the evidence.
Did you read the part about the ultimate issue is whether or not the school has anything in place to police and patrol such activity? Three quick guesses for you:
1. Being too busy licking Phil Knight's sack / saving the whales / waiting for the next Birkenstock sale, Oregon has neither formulated nor executed such a policy.
2. They soon will.
3. How long until such a policy exists? However long it takes a letter to get from Indianapolis to Eugene, plus 48 hours, I suppose.
Quickly as to your other "argument": long as Oregon doesn't cheat with quite the same average frequency as other PAC-10 schools, it's ok? Is that what you're saying, Daffy? I was pretty sure that it was still cheating, but let me check my Casion watch calculator. Yep, it says, "cheating" right there on the little screen.
I guess we now know the real reason why you have 157 different uniform variations - avoiding the obvious reasoning that such is intended to accomodate the fashionable accessory needs that a roster full of homosexual players would likely demand - it's to hide your obvious lack of both reason and critical thinking skills.
At the end of the day, you're just a troll. Like Liberace in a biker bar, you're mildly entertaining if only for the garishness of it all. Shortly thereafter, you're only value is to serve as fodder for our inside jokes, the worst of which you never hear.
However, your grand experiment has failed. We're not going to be friends. Your Oregonian apologetics has ran its course, and is now simply annoying. No one is buying it, nor wants to hear it. Don't make a scene, save some dignity and just go back amongst your brethren at the Oregon sites. They like people like you, I think.
I wish you luck in getting Brown, and if you do, I hope it works out well for you guys. Further, good luck to the Ducks this year, and beyond. No hard feelings. No harm, no foul. We wish you well, Wheaton. Everytime some troll comes on here banging for their team, or we see a pro-choice rally, we'll fondly think only of you. At least I will.