Bryce Brown (CLOSED)

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he rumor is out there that his might return with his parents for an unofficial. That is unconfirmed at this point. If he does it is obviously huge for Tennessee's chances and it means that Tennessee has been recruiting Brown through the parents which I think helps because they have gotten involved with things the last few weeks.

The thread being deleted was over comments in the thread degrading people and suggesting things that is unfair to them, so we pulled the thread.

We will work on trying to confirm whether or not Brown is going to visit unofficially.

Per Hubbs
If Brent is going to post about it, then there's no stopping it.

I have known since my last conversation with Bryce that he was coming this weekend, but it was in confidence so I have not repeated it. But the rumor is true, he is coming.

Shortly after the thread was posted, Bryce called my phone and he was not a happy camper, wanting to know how the news got out. He was under the impression that it could be someone from the football office, and I simply repeated what I had read and told him if he wanted me to stay quiet about it that I would.

Obviously, the news is out. I posted for it to be deleted b/c I could hear in Bryce's voice that he was angry, b/c he felt like someone on the staff
I'm not as optimistic with this news as everyone else. Keep in mind the David Oku situation. He visited Auburn a last time and decided on UT. I hope the UT visit doesn't result in Bryce deciding on Miami.
If Brent is going to post about it, then there's no stopping it.

I have known since my last conversation with Bryce that he was coming this weekend, but it was in confidence so I have not repeated it. But the rumor is true, he is coming.

Shortly after the thread was posted, Bryce called my phone and he was not a happy camper, wanting to know how the news got out. He was under the impression that it could be someone from the football office, and I simply repeated what I had read and told him if he wanted me to stay quiet about it that I would.

Obviously, the news is out. I posted for it to be deleted b/c I could hear in Bryce's voice that he was angry, b/c he felt like someone on the staff

wow. i guess that answers the "do recruits read message boards?" question. hope this doesnt push him away from us. the news would have gotten out before he left the airport though.
He will still come. It is important that his parents sign off on UT. He just wants the visit to be quite. Would have liked the whole thing to be under the radar, but that is not possible these days.
Even if not many knew about his visit - the minute he landed in Knoxville the word would have spready and the mob would have formed.
Good thing that this is a rumor. There would have been an 18 mile parade on Alcoa Higheay on Friday if it were true.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Wow. I think Bryce just didn't want this out because he doesn't want to let on to anyone which way he is leaning. This visit clearly paints us as the favorite.
Dangg how'd this news get out !
i know bryce didnt want it out

Its Awesome if its true

it would be pretty much a done deal if even his parents came up here with him :)
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